Chapter 1

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Author's note: This story is a work of fiction.

It's an ordinary Sunday evening in Fuzhou, China. At a small playground, an 8 year old boy is sitting on the bench while eating some steamed buns his mom had packed him from home. The little boy starts observing the playground which is pretty quiet today, looking for any sign of his friend who promised to meet him for their final playdate before he has to go to Düsseldorf, Germany tomorrow morning. He'll be staying there for a few years regarding his dad's business.

Where is she? The boy thought. He finished his steamed bun and decides to save the rest for later. He closed the small lunch box on his lap with the remaining steamed buns inside. He turns his head to his left to open his backpack which he had placed next to him. He opens the zipper and puts the lunch box back inside.

He starts to think if she had forgotten about their playdate. It's a good thing his home is quite near to the playground, or else his mother wouldn't be happy knowing if he hadn't been home before dinner time. He thought about observing the playground one last time for any sign of his friend, before going back home since his parents wouldn't want him to stay out for too long, knowing that they have to catch a flight tomorrow morning.

Just as the young boy starts to lose hope, he sees a young girl running to the playground from a far. She looked like she is around his age, and had on a baby pink dress and a white ribbon tied on her shiny black hair. The young boy couldn't help to form a small smile as he sees his friend running to his direction.

"Yangyang! I'm sorry, I'm late," says the young girl as she catches her breath after running.

"It's ok, Xiali," says the young boy, Yangyang. He pulls his backpack aside so the young girl could take a seat. Xiali takes a seat beside Yangyang, with his backpack now being placed in between them. Yangyang opens the zipper of his backpack and takes out his lunchbox with the steamed buns.

"Would you like some buns?" ask Yangyang as he hands the lunch box to Xiali.

Xiali smiles at him before taking one bun from the lunch box. "Sure. Thank you, Yangyang."

Xiali starts eating the bun as Yangyang stares at his friend with a small smile. There was something different about her today. In his mind, she looked like a princess in the baby pink dress.

"I like your dress. It's very nice," says Yangyang as he stares at Xiali who had just finished eating her steamed bun.

"Thank you. My mom made me wear this all morning," says Xiali before she turns her head down to see the dress she's wearing. Even though the dress looks really pretty, yet she didn't feel so good wearing it at the moment. "She got married to Uncle this morning. Now we are officially living together."

Yangyang's small smile soon fades after he heard what Xiali had just said. He didn't know Xiali's mom was getting married today. He did heard from Xiali that her mom had been seeing a guy she referred to as "Uncle" for the last 6 months, but he didn't know today would be their wedding day.

Xiali continues to stare down, avoiding any eye contact with Yangyang. Just when Yangyang was about to cheer her up, she turns her head up to face Yangyang.

"I wish I could go with you to Germany," says Xiali with a sad tone. "But I don't think my mom would allow me," she turns her head down. "I love my mom, but I don't know who Uncle is. Even though I've seen him everyday since we started living together two months ago, yet I still feel as if he's a stranger."

Yangyang turns his head down at the thought of him not being able to see his best friend anymore after he goes to Düsseldorf. He really wish he could take her along with him. He didn't want his best friend to be alone, especially knowing that she doesn't have any other friends besides him. After a moment of silence, Yangyang gets up from the bench and turns to look at Xiali who is still sitting while staring at the ground. He reach out his hand to her, making her look up to him.

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