"No. Your parents will be the only grandparents," Harry replied curtly.

And Louis figured he shouldn't pry, but this was Harry, and Harry always told Louis to speak out to him unless he informed Louis otherwise, "What- your parents, sir, where are they?"

"Not alive," Harry said simply, tugging on a loose t-shirt and turning to look at Louis. "You should get dressed before you catch a cold, pet."

Louis did as he was told, and Harry was already in bed by the time he had slipped on boxers, because he didn't like anything too tight around his waist, and a jumper of Harry's. The Dom had lifted up the blankets for Louis to slide in bed and positioned the body pillow that Louis used as a leg support to keep the babies off of his bladder. Louis crawled beneath the blankets, situating himself carefully, and Harry gently nuzzled up to him from behind. Another thing that had changed because of Louis' belly growth was their sleeping positions. Louis could no longer snuggle up to Harry's chest, but instead Harry had to spoon him from behind since a ballooning belly prevented any close cuddling.

Louis wanted to face his Dom, as he was still full of questions, but instead he guided Harry's hand that had rested on his hip to settle on his stomach, "Sir... I never knew about your parents. I've just heard about your father from time to time. I'm... I'm so sorry."

"It's alright pet, I was younger than you are now when it happened," Harry murmured. "Now you should get some rest."

"Younger than me?" Louis gasped.

"Just by two years. I was sixteen. I was a foster child until I was eighteen and then I went out and made something with my life," Harry said quickly. "Honestly, don't worry about it."

Even though Harry had clearly become successful, the thought of him being alone at such a young age made Louis tear up. He clutched onto Harry's hand, bringing it up to kiss Harry's fingers, "I'm still so sorry. Were you close...?"

Harry sighed heavily, but it wasn't an irritated sigh, "My parents were good people. I admired my father very much. Everything I've learned about being a Dom I've learned from him."

"He did a very good job at teaching you then," Louis sniffled. "Because I think you're the best Dom there is."

Harry chuckled, kissing Louis' hair, "Well I would hope so. Now, please. Go to sleep, no tears for me. We can talk more about it tomorrow if you really want to, but there's not much else to say on the matter."

"I love you," Louis said softly, removing a hand from his tummy to scrub at a few tears on his face. He craned his head back to the best of his ability, wanting a kiss, and Harry obliged.

"I love you, too. Goodnight, sweets."


Louis had his hands clasped together with a big smile on his face. The appointment to find out the gender of his babies would be happening in just one hour, and then the next day he would be getting to go visit his father. He had yet to take a shower and get dressed for the special occasion of seeing his babies' genders, Niall having promised to take pictures of the exact moments when they found out.

Harry was in the shower for the time being and Louis started fiddling with the clothes the Dom had left behind. Harry hated changing in the bathroom, Louis learned that when they first got together. It wasn't too long later when the shower turned off, making Louis heart beat quickly. Harry was out of the bathroom a moment later, running a towel over the top of his head, drying the thick curls.

"Your turn, don't take too long love," Harry said kissing Louis softly as the sub moved quickly across the room to take his turn under the hot water. Once he was cleaned he was out also, changing while Harry helped him button his fitted pants. Once they were both dressed, ready to go, they had fifteen minutes left before Liam would join them. Liam didn't want to do anything early, wanted the couple to wait to find out what their babies were going to be.

His Submission (by tonystankyall (orphan_account))Where stories live. Discover now