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(Hello again my lovely's! Enjoy this I made it at 3am because I'm bored and I need to write, so here's this gem!)

Peter's POV

Its always so boring when Mr. Stark is in meetings. I have nothing to do. I've already gone on patrol, and Thor and Loki won't be home for another hour. So I watch Star Wars to pass the time but I end up falling asleep.

Thor's POV

I can't wait to see the man of the spiders! When the elevator opens I practically run over in joy. "Hey man of the spiders!" I say. Getting no response my bother Loki walks over to the couch. "Brother he's asleep on the couch shh." Loki says. "Oh okay." I say disappointed.

*time skip brought to you by bruce*

It's been 37 minutes now and it's SO BORING! Then me and Loki hear a scream coming from the couch.

Peter's POV

I start having a nightmare.




PLEASE... *cough* I CAN'T

move *cough* HELP!

"AHH!" I screamed and woke myself up. Thor and Loki are next to me. "Hey it's okay Peter. We're here." Loki says. "Yes man of the spiders, we got you." Thor says. I start to cry. "Hey hey hey it's okay you don't need to cry. We're right here Pete." Loki says. "Yes please do not cry." Thor says. "I-I w-want T-Tony." Is all I can say.

Loki's POV

When Peter woke up screaming I felt so bad for him. And I am a heartless guy. Me and Thor tried our best to comfort him but he just kept crying, and hyperventilating. When he said he wanted Tony we knew something was really wrong because he NEVER calls him Tony. "Pete he's in a meeting we can't call him. But we're here." I say trying to put him at ease. "I-I w-want h-him." Peter says. "Okay I'll try to call him alright? Thor stay here." I say.

"FRI call Tony." I say. He answers almost immediately. "Hey what's up Loki? Is something wrong?!" Tony says. "Yes. It's Peter. He was asleep when we got here and he just woke up from a nightmare and he's not calming down, and he says he wants you and he even called you Tony so I'm really worried and I don't know what to do because he won't calm down." I say. "Hey it's alright man of the spiders. Calm down, it's okay." Thor says trying to comfort Peter. "It's alright did he say what it was about?" Tony says. "No. He's not talking at all, except for saying he wanted you." I say. "Okay I'm coming Loki." Tony says. Thank you." I say. And he hangs up. "Pete he's on his way okay? Breathe for us okay?" I say.

Tony's POV

I'm not gonna lie when I got that call from Loki I was really scared, he never calls me Tony and he usually can always calm down with other people. So I rushed home.

Peter's POV

Loki and Thor tried there best to calm me down but I couldn't do it. Then I hear Tony. "Hey underoo's what's wrong?" He says. "I-I was s-stuck under the b-building a-again. I couldn't b-breathe." I sob. "It's alright kid I'm here." He says as he pulls me in to hug me. "It's okay now. I promise. I'm here. You're safe." He says. Ten minutes later I end up calming down and he goes back to his meetings after I insist he go back and that we'd call if something went wrong. And I ended up having a great time with Loki and Thor.

(I enjoyed making this one! Hope you guys like it!)

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