Untitled Part 1.003286 (bc i think im funny but im not)

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Jorgen looked over at his girlfriend. He couldn't believe he had found someone so amazing, much less convinced her to like him back. Especially after he outed her to everyone.

He glanced at the clock- he still had a few minutes left before he'd have to wake her. Good. That gives him time to enjoy the moment.

He took in her brown curls, currently knotted and splayed over the pillow. He took in her softly closed eyes, which he knew were a  Defiant violet ablaze with passion when she was awake. 

He checked the clock again.

He softly kissed her. "Hey," he mumbled into her lips. "It's time to get ready for the big speech today."

How he regretted the morning's bittersweet end. What was it that Old Earthen writer had said? Parting was such sweet sorrow

He watched as she climbed out of bed, wearing one of his T-shirts. She looked like a little rag doll in it, but he knew she could kick his butt.

"See you later, Jerkface," she whispered as she snuck back to her own room.

"Wow, watching her leave, too, are we?"

Jorgen threw a pillow at Nedd.

Of course the teasing wouldn't stop. Just having Spensa in his life was already more luck than he deserved, especially after cruelly outing her to the rest if the flight. But by the Saint was she worth it.

"You know you two are really loud, right?"

Jorgen thanked Arturo for lending him a pillow.

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