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The next morning I awake on the floor. Huh, weird. Last nights events come to me and my face turns more red than pink I'm sure, when Marceline walks out of the bathroom. "Oh hey, you're awake." She says. "Sorry about you being on the floor, but you, like, fell down again and I was gonna pick you up but I was afraid I'd wake you up soooo.... Sorry." Ha, she doesn't look sorry. She probably slept on my huge fluffy bed and enjoyed it (though she'd never admit it).
I'm a bit surprised though, she never mentioned what I said last night. The rest of the day was a blur. Marceline left, stating she had 'Vampire things' to attend to. I had gotten up and got dressed and stuff, ate breakfast, suffered through another meeting about how 'The candy kingdom needs better police force than a bunch of bananas" or whatever (by the way, I won that argument). Then I did some experimenting in the lab. The day was bland and scheduled. I wish I had an adventurous life like Marceline, never really knowing what you're doing the next day. Yeah, that'd be nice.
When it was dinner time I asked one of the banana guards to bring my food to my room, that I didn't feel good. Because I really, really didn't. My dream from last night got me all weirded out, and the realization of how boring my life is has been gnawing at me too. But even though everything I did today was boring, they all take brainpower, so I haven't had time to think about it.
Peppermint Butler brought in my dinner of soup, which had carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, and tofu. 'They must believe I'm sick' I thought.
I procrastinated by eating my dinner and estimating how many calories was in it, and the circumference of the bowl. But when I finished I knew I had to face facts.
1: I have an extremely boring life, I need some adventure. I need to get out of the candy kingdom more.

And 2:

I think I'm in love with Marceline

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