Part 1

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*bang* *bang*

I was on my knees with my hands behind my head with my eyes closed ready for my body to drop down, but nothing happened.

I slowly open my eyes and see the man running back to the car and hoping in, i look down and see my dad in front of me lying on the ground trying with blood good everywhere, i start to tear up.

No this cant be happening, no i cant lose him

"dad stay with me plz dad" i put pressure were he was shot

"Sw- sweetheart im not gonna m- make it i- i love you with a- all my heart" he said trying to stay alive

"DAD DONT LEAVE ME I NEED YOU, SOMEONE HELP ME MY DAD IS DYING" i screamed at the top of my lungs trying to save my dad from passing away

"y/n, y/n wake up ur having that nightmare again" alvaro said as he opened the curtains

"Im sorry Alvaro, i just miss my dad so much and i wanna thank you guys for taking me in" i said before yawning and rubbing my eyes

"Ill tell my mum you had that dream again and its nice having you around and we start school soon so we have to go get some stuff for you today so get ready and be downstairs in a bit" he said  before closing the door and leave me be

Author's note
Since yall wanna fucking complain about calling the cousin in this chapter i fucking changed it and yall that are new and ready this Alvaro is ur cousin so dont fucking complain cause i didnt need to tell you who is who is the book.

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