The Only Chapter Left

Start from the beginning

Time skip again

“Your next challenge is to create a unique app and get as many downloads as possible. Your deadline is in two days,” Mr.Chetty said then the video ended. We all tried to explain to Nick and Billy that what they were thinking of was instagram and that was already a thing, so we can’t do that. It took us four hours to finally try a different approach. We all went out to dinner at some Chinese restaurant after I went to the dorms to get my ring. I had decided before even leaving the loft I would only wear it if we were going out in public or if I was in the dorm. Derek agreed with the plan that we had made. I had put the ring on and still no one noticed.

“So the  waiter told me about this dance club around here. He says to go check it out,” we all grab our stuff and make our way to the club. Sadly i know the place. It is where Scott took me for my bachelor party. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and  started texting Derek

Derek = D Stiles = S

S- I can not belive they dragged me to a strip club.

D-... what?

S- exactly what i typed a strip club. The same one that i went to for my bachelor party that Scott threw.

D- just no lap dances. 

D- from anyone but me. And please don’t get to drunk. I don’t need your drunk texts blowing up my phone about how when you see me next you will jump me. I already have enough of those.

“Please,Stu just look a few inches up and your world will change forever,” Nick said practically making me look up from my husbands text.

I look up to see that a stripper was standing in front of me. I gave her a what look and she took my hand and dragged me to our table. I rolled my eyes, and Billy patted me on the back. I grabbed a shot glass and drank. By the time we were thrown out because we had a fight, everyone was closer. I texted Der-Bear and told him everything was alright. Lyle decided he wanted to text his dance instructor and it was a really provocative text as well. 

“Dude, no. don’t make me take your phone away,” I said. He laughed, and said to ask him a math question so we did. We asked him many, some of which he got right (Billy’s) others he got wrong.

“Guys I think we just found our app.

Time skip

D-how was the club?

S- babe please just stop texting me my head feels like a watermelon exploding.

D- i think that you are over exaggerating. If you are as hungover as that i would have had my phone exploded.

S- you would have, if Neha didn’t confiscate our phones.

S- i was left with babysitting the oldguys, and we still got kicked out.

D-... Dia is missing you. She keeps looking at your pictures.

S- i miss my baby too.

S- oh and you as well obviously.

D- wow… i feel loved. Second to the kid. Especially when i can give you rights to sex.

S- ha… you wouldn't.

D- I would.

S- I love you?... I mean I love you.. and I want to jump your bones.

D- … I haven't response to that.

D- Dia is awake now I will talk to you later babe. Love you good luck.

S- love you too, Sour-Wolf

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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