They all nodded and bowed their heads. I smile and start to walk towards the mansion

We reached my room and I decided to sit on the couch.

I got a cold compress to put it on her head..

" are you really okay Priya?" I asked worriedly

She nodded and smiled " Hey , I'm fine Laura.. I'm just a bit dizzy, no worries I'm alright" Lisa said while caressing the top of my hand.

" He's testing my patience, I know he did it on purpose, i'll make sure he will regret it for hurting you. Even if he tries to hurt again. I swear Priya you can't stop me anymore ." I said truthfully while griping the hem of my shirt.

" You shouldn't let him or anyone hurt you Priya. You are a Bruschweiler and A Queen. I know you don't want to hurt anyone but too much kindness will hurt you sometimes. I'm not saying you should do something bad. But I know for sure you won't do that, because you can't even hurt flies. QUEEN PRANPRIYA BRUSCHWEILER is indeed an angel and baby, so i will be the one who will throw him on his place if he tries to lay hands on you" i added

" it's not gonna happen again Laura, how's your plan anyways ?" Lisa asked curiously

I smirk and look at her.

" Tonight will make sure Kai is the star of the night. Everything is well planned, let's end the devil doing devilish sins" I said firmly and getting excited

" Yah! I swear Laura, stop doing that, it's creeping me out, " she said and shaking her head.

I chuckled

" yah! Stop shaking your head okay? You should rest. I'll just go back there so they wont suspect us being close, i'll just tell Mrs. Tifanny to check on you every now and then. Sleep okay, so you have energy tonight" i said softly and guided her on my bed.

She lay on my bed

" Sleep Priya, i'll go after you already sleeping?" I said softly and kissed her forehead

She nodded and closed her eyes. She didn't argue anymore i think she was really exhausted and dizzy.

When priya was already sleeping I went out slowly out of my room.

I was walking towards the beach again, and suddenly a girl approached me.

She bows her head and looks at me.

I smile back to encourage her to talk, she seems shy.

" Hello miss Laura, Im IU a friend of Lisa, is Lisa okay? Can i see her?" She asked worriedly

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" Hello miss Laura, Im IU a friend of Lisa, is Lisa okay? Can i see her?" She asked worriedly

I can see through her eyes, she's really worried and hurt, isn't that too much? But i shrugged it off.

" Yes miss IU, she's fine. She's sleeping right now, I'm sorry but she needs to rest. I'll tell you when she wakes up." I said softly.

" okay, Thank you Miss Laura" she said politely

" It looks like you really care for her, may i know how long you've been friends?" I asked curiously

"U-ahmm not for so Long Miss Laura, but i truly care for her, she's too precious to me" she said sincerely

That made me caught off guard. She likes Lisa.. the same person who i love.. i shake my head to erase those thoughts. Maybe I'm just over thinking.

"Oh I see. Good to hear that Miss IU. Come on let's go back there" i said softly and started to walk

She nod and walked beside me.. .

Lisa Pov

I slowly open my eyes and rub it.

" hey good afternoon priya, how's your head?? Are you okay now?" Laura asked in concern

I smile and nod. I sat on the edge of the bed.

" I'm okay now, Thank you Laura, what time is it?" I asked curiously

" It's 5: 56 pm Priya" she said softly

" Ohh, i slept for that long." I said and chuckles

" yeah pretty long, do you want to eat? The party tonight will start soon, are you going? You can stay here if you want. I can handle it" laura said worriedly

I shook my head and smiled sweetly

" it's fine Laura. I'm really okay now. Thank you. I'll be there at the party." I said softly

" Okay, if you say so. We should eat first and prepare for the party. I already told them you are okay and be there at the party. So you're gonna go with me at the party later. I already have your dress here." Laura said softly

" You don't have to do that laura, but thank you, but aren't they suspecting you are close and over protective to me Laura?" I asked a bit worried

" No. I said you are my responsibility , everyone of you because I'm your CEO, and I think they wont suspect us , so no worries. Everything is fine and well planned" laura said reassured me.

I nod.

" okay, come on let's eat after that we will prepare for the party." Laura said

We went to her dining area in her room and ate peacefully.

After we ate, her make up artist arrived and we are now preparing for the party.

" you look great and beautiful Miss Lisa" make up artist 1 complement while looking at me.

I blushed and looked down.. I'm getting shy whenever they compliment me.

" Thank you" i said shyly

They laughed at me.

" Yes , she is. A Goddess indeed" Laura said proudly

I'm now blushing mess

"Yah! Stop it! We should go now. They are probably waiting for us Laura" i said to change the topic.

" Okay okay, Let's go!" Laura said happily

And we went out to her room.

Untold Princess ( Blacktwicevelvet)Where stories live. Discover now