Chapter 3: Cooper's no good Tuesday

Start from the beginning


"Sorry man, there was a goblin."


"You do realize you smashed my art project, right?"


"I'm not helping you find his locker."

"What!? C'mon man that was an accident! I'm sorry!" Joko cried, picking up the broken pieces of a clay fish. "I've been asking literally everyone for like a week now! Wilbur's friends even knew where his locker was and told me right away!" Joko complained, giving up entirely on placing the clay pieces back together. "Maybe they didn't say anything because you broke their art projects too." Cooper glared at him, picking his hand off the table and shooing him away, "go away asshole, I've got work to do."

Joko was not at all trying to make bad first impressions, and he definitely did NOT mean to break Cooper's sculpture. He just couldn't help himself when he suddenly got the urge to smack whatever was near him. "It's a curse." Joko would tell himself, staring at his hands, "No, you're just a dumbass." A heavily accented voice would tell him. That voice belonged to his best bud Mikey, who would often tell him this.

He tried to explain himself when Cooper asked the teacher for free time, telling Mr. Sky (who seemed out of it more often than not) that Joko was the reason for his sculpture being obliterated to pieces. Joko wasn't going to say he wasn't the reason for this so he owned up to it and ended up not getting in trouble with Mr. Sky, but Cooper was a whole other story. When he had explained to Cooper that he didn't want the goblin the eat his toes, he blew up and said some pretty mean things that Joko would rather not repeat.


So here he was, one less friendly acquaintance and no Travis. He has no clue why no one knew where his locker was. Travis was basically the most well known guy in this school for his bubbly personality and being oblivious to what was going on around him. Cooper said no one was helping him because he probably smashed their art projects too, which was not true by the way. Maybe Travis doesn't use his locker and that's why no one knows where it is? Well actually, that would be odd because he would have his notebook one class and have his lunch box when he came into the cafeteria the next.

"Maybe he's a wizard" Joko said, drawing a bullet point on his notebook paper. "If you write that down I will beat your ass." Mikey said, clicking his pen and pointing it over to Joko. "Yeah, I'd like to see you try." Joko said, putting down his pencil. "Still, I really don't see another reason he has one book one class and whole other one the next!" Joko grumbled, "Maybe he does use his locker, but no one pays attention or it's one of the ones in the hallway no one ever uses." Mikey suggested giving him an unipressed look, which was offending Joko, seeing as Mikey was pretty dumb himself.


Cooper was more than a little upset with how his Tuesday was going. First, he fell off his skateboard resulting in his hands being wrapped in bandages. Second, Travis wasn't here to entertain him, and third, his projects was totally obliterated by some retarted goblin guy on the day it was due! Cooper was hoping he could sit down and have a peaceful lunch, but that clearly wasn't going to happen. The same guy who smashed his project- Joko- was taking a seat right in front of him.


Joko wasn't sure what made him do it, but he couldn't turn down a good prank, especially if someone paid him to do it. So here he was, sitting in complete silence while Cooper pretended he wasn't there. Yeah sure, he smashed this guy's art project, but all he has to do is tell him a locker number and he'll be out of his hair. But of course it was never that easy and he had to pay the price that came with the destruction of his classmates clay sculpture.


"Nuh uh- I'm eating, shut the hell up."

Okay, rude.

Joko couldn't help but think that Cooper was overexaggerating just a little. "C'mon man! All I need is a simple locker number! You're the only one who has shown interest in telling me!" At least this time he actually got to say the whole sentence instead of being cut off immediately. "Have you tried asking Travis? Y'know, the guy that owns the locker? Maybe he'll know." Cooper grumbled, biting into his sandwich. "Yeah, of course I have, but that's just too suspicious!" Joko whined. At least he knew he actually had a locker. "Well tough shit then. That seems like the only way you'll find out. If he does end up asking why, then you better know how to tell a decent lie." Cooper gave one of those passive aggressive smiles where you push your lips together. Joko wasn't really satisfied with that answer, but it was all he was going to get, and that was all he had. Joko decided he'd just ask Travis tomorrow and say something like "new postal service" of some shit like that. "Okay, thanks that helps a lot," Joko made of move to get up before he looked back at Cooper, "oh, and sorry about your art project." Cooper glared at him from over his sandwich, and Joko took that as a sign to leave.


So sorry for the wait yet again! I've been so busy with Christmas break, New Years, and my dad even got married to my step mom on Sunday. I also rewrote half of this because I was totally out of it and it was all over the place!

I'm pretty proud of this for some reason so I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.

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