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Underneath the moonlight, in the reflection of the water I look at the bandage on my left eye socket. For the rest of my life this upcoming scar will follow me. It will be a sign of the banned prince who let down his nation. I’ll always be the outcast of the royal family. The rejected cub in the pack.

‘You can come back if you have captured the avatar, only then will I restore your honour.’
How am I supposed to find a master of the four elements whom also hasn’t been seen for the past one hundred years. He must have developed such great skills and powers. The fire nation had been hunting this man since the war started and never seen a sign of him. Some even say the avatar cycle has been broken.

“Prince Zuko, you should rest. You’ve been awake for way too long. A man needs his rest.” The old man stood in the doorway waving for me to come inside. “Uncle, I don’t NEED sleep. All I need is to find the avatar.” I didn’t mean for it to come out this aggressive but I won’t apologize for it. Apologies are for the weak.
Even though he tries to cover it, I hear him sigh before he walks up next to me. He stares at the horizon in silence.

A big bang awakens me from my dream. I grab my cloak and put it on before I walk outside my cabin, trough the hallway and out on the deck. The ship has dropped anchor and I see the captain standing on the deck. “Why are we stopping? We need to keep moving if we ever want to find the avatar!” I say while walking up to the captain madly. “We just need to get some new supplies, this town sells the best ingredients to make some delicious tea!” Uncle Iroh says while giving the captain a nod that he can leave.

After days of traveling I finally arrived in the western air temple. Only to find out luck wasn’t on my side once again. There was no sighting of the avatar. The fire nation already wiped the air temples. “If I have to, I will spend every day of the rest of my life hunting the avatar. I know it’s my destiny to capture him.” Iroh looks out into the cliffside, after a hesitation he responds “You know, prince Zuko, Destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are going to work out. But if you keep an open mind and an open heart, I promise, you will find your own destiny someday.”

Once back on the ship, I instantly command the captain, “Set sails for the southern water tribe.” “You don’t intend to search the other 3 air temples as well?” Asks uncle Iroh. “No uncle, the army will already have swiped those off the map. By the time I get there, the avatar will already have fled or died.” So starts my journey to capture the avatar.

Hii guys, Cookie here... this was a short one... I hope you like the concept of what I'm trying to do... if you got any suggestions, tips or tricks, please let me know! I'm not sure how often I will write new chapters, just because I don't know how inspired I'll be... You'll get an update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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