Dye job [crack-ish]

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A/n: updates will be pretty choppy bc I got a full week this week. I had a blood test and have to go for a follow up AND I'm getting my dream hair of a purple/black split pity party style. And just to give you something quick and fun, here's a dye themed oneshot.

You'd gone through your fair share of whacky hair colours. Some really bright and some really dark, every so often you'd walk into taskforce with a new cut and colour and usually you'd get the normal "woah thats cool!" Or "rest in peace to your hair" from the taskforce. What you didn't anticipate though was you'd inspired a certain detective.

He did like his black hair, but after a whole year of working with you and seeing you go through pretty much the whole rainbow, the idea of dyed hair was kind of cool to him. He didn't want to get rid of his black though, but he did really like the ashy purple you'd gotten a while ago.

It was pastel purple, but almost grey. Like the colour of a lavender before it fully blooms. So after spending hours looking at dye jobs when he should have been working, he decided.

He wanted to try a split dye. His hair was barely shoulder length so it wouldn't take that long to do, and with the rate his hair grows, if something went wrong he wouldn't have to wait long before it grew out. Although he had no idea how to do a dye job, so naturally, he went to you. The dye expert of taskforce. So as the run rose and he saw you were awake over the cameras he decided the time was now, before the taskforce woke up. He liked to shock people, if it was done before then, the taskforce would be in for a surprise.

He waltzed on up to your room and knocked on the door, after hearing you trip over something on your floor, you answered.

"I would say why are you awake this early, but you're L... so" you began.

"Do you still have that grey-purple dye?" He asked.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Can you dye my hair split down the middle?"

You blinked, speechless for a second. Where did that come from?

"Wh- you wanna dye your hair?" You asked.

"Yeah, it looks cool"

He was the last person you'd expect to want such a bold hair style but you'd be willing to, just go see how he'd look.

"You'd have to bleach half your head you know?" You warned.

"I know, I don't really care"

"Alright then... now or?"


Before you knew it, you had L sitting in your bathroom with a towel over his shoulders looking back at himself in the mirror. You'd nixed up the bleach and put on some gloves, using the pointed end of the brush to fix his hairline. It was off to the side, but for a half-half job he'd need a straight down the middle one. At least until the dye was done.

"You sure? There's no going back" you asked again.

"Yeah, it seems cool"

"You're a very spontaneous person aren't you?"


You began to brush the bleach mix into the right side of his hair, making sure to get everything so he wouldn't have a random black patch in amongst the purple. Once you were done you let it sit while you mixed the purple dye.

"How long will this take?" He asked.

"Uhh... maybe like another hour? Why?"

"I want it done before the taskforce wake up so I can scare the crap outta them"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now