- Oh I give you chills? He added with a smirk while I blushed

- No, I'm just cold. I was embarrassed "

He showed me around and introduced me to the whole team. Contrary to what I thought, they all welcomed me very warmly into their big family except Joe, their manager, who was rather reluctant about my relationship with the boys but was still nice.

"Come on, I'll take you to the stage! Said Brad pulling me by the hand

- Brad calm down. I was laughing. When we got to the stage, I stopped dead in front of the size of this place. How did they manage to play in front of so many people without stressing?

- Are you all right Mia? He asked me worried

- That's wonderful !

- Hi Mia. Said Connor and James, coming to hug me

- Are you feeling better ? Whispered Tris in my ear

- Yes thanks. I met your team, they are great. I answered him

- Guys, don't get distracted, let's continue the rehearsals. Said Joe, I think he really doesn't like me

- Mia ! Just sit in the stands if you want to attend rehearsals. James suggested to me "

I was now in the stands watching them. James started playing along with Tris and Con. Brad started to sing and I knew right away that there was a problem because of the faces of others. He didn't sing as usual, he forced on his voice as if to make it even better. Of course apart from destroying the vocal cords it didn't do anything. The guys kindly told him the problem and they started the song again but Brad did it again

"- Okay Brad stop. What are you doing? Said Joe

- Nothing, I sing that's all

- No, you're forcing your voice. Firstly it doesn't look good at all and secondly if you continue like this you will no longer have a voice for tomorrow's concert

- But I need to improve my voice. It is too childish... Everyone sighed. So that was the problem. Tristan who is arguably closest to Bradley spoke

- Brad, your voice is great, there is nothing to improve on, everyone loves your voice. Right Mia? They turned to me. So I decided to come to the edge of the stage so that he could hear me

- Bradley Will Simpson, you have the most exceptional voice I have ever heard in my life. As soon as you sing, your voice gives me chills all over my body. So stop trying to improve it when it's already perfect. He smiled at me, I think he understands. Okay, I'm going to go to your dressing rooms to let you rehearse quiet. See you soon. I said before I walked away when someone grabbed my wrist

- Thanks for Brad, I misjudged you, you really care for the guys and you have your feet on the ground. Joe told me

- It touches me that you think that about me, thank you. I smiled at him and left to sit in the guys' dressing room "

I sat there for a good two hours, waiting on the phone for them when they rushed into the room. They jumped on me and told me that Brad had been great after I left. So I hugged him to congratulate him and he whispered a thank you in my ear which as usual gave me chills. He noticed it and winked at me. Why does he always have to notice those things? They were exhausted so we went straight to the apartment

"Mia, would you like to come see us tomorrow at the concert? I thought they would never ask me

- Of course I want! I look forward ! I told them with a big smile "

The Street (English) - Bradley Will SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now