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Underworld. The Source appears before the Oracle, seething. "My assassin failed. The witch is alive."

The Oracle smirks. "Yes I know." She glances down at her crystal ball.

"You told me her future was short-lived. You told me-" He roars at her.

"I told you only that it appeared to be short-lived. Seeing into the future is not always exact, especially when magical forces are at play." She shoots back him.

"The Power of Three is strong. She'll be almost untouchable now that she's reunited with her new sisters." He sounds a little worried. The Oracle smiles.

"Once the bond is formed, perhaps, but it has yet to, which means she's vulnerable, easily swayed." She goes over to the Source. "48 - little hours. The window of opportunity agreed to eons ago by both sides to protect free will." She leans in closely to him, a seductive smile on her face as she whispers. "The great flaw in the grand design."

The Source looks over at her. "She hasn't chosen the other side yet?"

Oracle sighs softly. "Well, she's young, confused, doesn't know which way to turn. You must seduce her into using her powers for evil, then she will become evil. And that's even better than killing her, which, of course you could still do. You need to get close to her, read her soul, corrupt it, and she's yours." The Source caresses the Oracle's chin.

The Source leans in, whispering in her ear. "And you... you need to see the future more clearly, Oracle... for your own future." He then shoves her away and vanishes.

In Shane's room in the hospital, Shane wakes up and stands up obviously very confused. The lights flicker. The Source appears before him.

"What the hell? Who are you?" He takes a step back out of fear.

"For now, I am you." The Source disappears and possesses Shane. Paige enters the room.

"Oh, my God, the most horrible thing has happened to me! I can't explain it." She looks like she's about to cry. Shane takes a step toward her.

"Shh. It's okay, honey. I'm here now. It's okay." The possessed Shane has his eyes turn all black as he embraces Paige.

Back in the manor Payson gasps as she wakes up and looks around the room before settling back down in bed, her chest heaving as she tries to go back to sleep.

The next morning in kitchen Piper retrieves an ice pack from the freezer and places it gently on Leo's neck. Leo holds it against his sore neck and grimaces. "I don't understand how you can keep healing innocents, but you can't figure out a way to heal yourself." Piper tells him, a bit annoyed.

"It's kind of hard to heal myself when I'm knocked out." Leo tells her as Payson walks in.

"Leo, how is possible for an angel to even get knocked out? I mean, you are, after all, technically dead." Payson asks him, leaning against the counter.

Leo groans. "Three years together, and now you're asking these questions?" Payson shrugs.

"I think the more appropriate question is, how does a white-lighter get somebody knocked up?" Piper asks, her voice holding a tone of annoyance. Payson smirks, glancing between her sister and her whitelighter.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What do you think it means?" Piper fires back.

"If it's about Paige, I swear, the Elders had no idea that she even existed, or that she was your sister." He sighs, adjusting the ice pack.

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