• Chapter Eleven •

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"Lydia?" Isabelle repeated while looking up at the raven haired boy. "Why do you keep going there? She's prosecuting me and you said she had no choice."

"She doesn't." Alec replied. Isabelle stood up, glaring at her brother.

"Everyone has a choice, Alec. I made mine." Alec stared at her in silence, playing nervously with his hands. "Let me just get through this without losing my self respect." The eldest twin sighed and moved to the window.

"I know you don't want to believe this but Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it." Alec began. "Maybe I can get them to delay the trial."

Isabelle spun around, facing him again. "Why? So I can sit in here and play computer Solitaire while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just a scapegoat to The Clave. They want the Cup."

Aaliyah sighed, standing up as well. "She's right, Alec."

The raven haired boy looked from his youngest sister to his other. "So let me buy some time and find it." He pleaded with the elder twin. "Jace and Clary--"

"Disappeared through a door to God knows where, Allison going after them." Isabelle cut him off. "You said that they're lost forever." She shook her head before looking away. "And so is the Cup."

"What if I was wrong?" Alec looked at his sister. "I can't find Jace because I weakened my bond but that doesn't mean that he can't be found," He said while moving closer. "That he can't find us. We just need more time."

"Grasping at straws now?" Isabelle asked as she sat on the arm rest of the sofa.

Sighing, Alec crouched beside her. "Izzy, listen. I'm your big brother, please let me help you for once." He pleaded as she stared at him.

Entering the Jade Wolf, Clary called ran forward as Michael and Allison helped Jace in

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Entering the Jade Wolf, Clary called ran forward as Michael and Allison helped Jace in.

"Help!" The red head called, grabbing the attention of Luke and Simon, who was now a fully fledged vampire, as they rushed over.

"Clary what happened?" Simon asked.

"Michael Wayland?" Luke stared at the man as he and Allison sat Jace down at one of the many empty tables.

"Valentine fled with my Mom but we found Jace and Allison's father." Clary rambled.

"Wait, I thought Valentine killed their father." The vampire frowned in confusion.

"He tried." Michael answered before glancing at Luke who crouched down in front of them. "Hello, Lucian."

The Alpha shook his head in disbelief. "This can't be. I never thought I'd see you again."

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