Chapter Sixteen: The Writing on the Wall and Rogue Bludgers

Start from the beginning

"Right!" Hermione nodded quickly.

"I'll walk you to the portrait hole," Draco cried running after Hermione.

Elysian smirked as she watched her friends 'secretly' kissed and held hands as Hermione exited the Slytherin common room. She was glad her friends had become an item and would quickly sort out plans to include that seeing as Draco had finally stopped being a prat.


Elysian couldn't honestly believe the standards for teaching were so low, no actually she could believe it as Dumbledore seemed to only care about keeping the world ignorant. No matter how many complaints were sent to the board of governors or Dumbledore himself, no one had talked to Lockhart about actually teaching the syllabus. It was time to set things right and Elysian knew exactly how to do it. Ginny Weasley had already gone to bed so she knew they were all safe to speak about this idea without it getting back to Dumbledick.

"We are beginning a House Duelling club," said Elysian once Blaise had finished.

"We are?" asked a seventh year.

Elysian was standing on a table in the middle of the common room that evening. Her head was held high and her voice could be heard all throughout the common room calling everyone to attention. She could see people nodding along with her idea and knew that the question being asked was just for confirmation.

"Yes, we are," said Elysian. "For too long we have been forced to suffer the incompetence of the DADA teachers, it's time we took our education into our own hands. The Seventh-years have already taken their OWLS and so can easily show us the practical spells we need to learn while books can teach us the rest. I'm sure many of you get tutoring at home from your families which means you probably know a lot more spells so we'll be teaching those as well."

"Why?" asked Daphne, "if they're not on the syllabus, why should we teach them to each other?"

"Because this isn't just about our education anymore, Lockhart proved that. Slytherin house is the house everyone targets and its time we protect ourselves, I'd even go so far as to learn the unforgivable if it meant we would all be safe."

She watched as her words sunk in and soon everyone was agreeing with her and offering their words. The Seventh-year students immediately agreed with the idea and began writing down a time table for their evening sessions. Professor Snape walked in while they were doing this and was soon informed of what they planned on doing.

"While I agree that this is an excellent idea," Snape began, "the Headmaster, should he find out, would immediately have it disbanded and everyone in detentions or suspended for it."

"Then we'll live up to the Slytherin code and not get caught," said Elysian with a sly grin.

The Professor just nodded at her before disappearing. It was then that Daphne suggested everyone signing a contract to prevent anyone from speaking about it. Every Slytherin was quick to sign the spelled piece of parchment which would, should anyone try to tell the secret, steal their voice and hex them with a memory charm until they could be trusted once more. The Seventh-years had been eager to try and combine the spells while the other years were just excited to see the spells being cast.

"Now that it's done," Elysian began, "how about we start writing up anyone from other houses we want to include?"

"Other houses?" asked Draco.

"Yes, like Hermione and Neville and the Twins," said Daphne, "and possibly Luna Lovegood."

"Why would we want to invite them?"

"One, Neville is excellent in Herbology – a subject most of us are lacking in – two, Hermione is our Gryffindor Spy and knows almost all of the Seventh-year spells already, and three, the Twins are pranking geniuses so surly we should get them on our side?"

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