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smut warning enjoy andy

andy hops into blu's car and blushes at a shirtless blu in some sweats blu says sup child andy says hi blu  blu says hey andy wanna do something dumb andy says yes blu says at 2 am andy fusses at blu and says why not NOW blu says now who in the hell YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO HUH IMA SPANK YOUR LIL CHILDISH ASS blu pulls up at his house and drags andy into the house and walks upstairs and kicks his door and andy says sorry blu blu says dammit you can't be yelling at me like that youdont speak to me your elder like that andy laughs and says you ain't old blu says im 20 how old are you 17 this would look wrong now sit and tell me child what were you doing on the phone hmm andy blushes and says nothing blu says andy dont make me andy says i had a prooblem and it hurt blu says what problem andy says uh i dunno it just hurt and i accidently touched the pain and blu says andy where was the pain and what the hell did you touch point andy says i can't blu bends andy over on his lap and says tell me you got ten seconds you better talk quick child andy whimpers and says IACCIDENTLYTOUCHEDSOMETHINGANDIMADEASOUNDTHATICOULDN'TCONTROLBECAUSEYOUSAIDMYNAMEACERTAINWAYANDITMADEMEHURTANDIDIND'TKNOWWHATTODOANDACCIDENTLYTOUCHEDTHEPAINFULAREA AND IM SORRY I DIDN'T TELL YOU I WAS JUST VERY NERVOUS AND EMMBARASSED blu says DAAAMN CHILD you really are to innocent for your own damn self i feel bad for you you need to watch porn or something causee you been extra horny lately and i know i shouldn't be saying this but you need to get laid or something you gonna need namjesus after im done andy says but i don't know what any of that shit means blu says and thats why ima teach you cause you need it andy says and how are you gonna teach me blu blu says ima have you screaming you lil bratty bitch

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