Accordance of the Flesh

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Sharp jabbing pains assaulted Caspian's stomach, yet again, and he curled over in pain as he clasped at his abdomen. His body was shaking due to the immense loss of energy from not eating over the last two days. He had not had a proper meal since before arriving at King Lucian's castle. Ever since their first encounter and having his ass spanked raw, Cas had not yet seen the king again.

After lying in bed all day, lamenting over his situation, something in the young prince snapped and anything the king was offering to him seemed vile. Caspian used the last bit of strength he possessed to rip tapestries off the walls, take a fork from the untouched food tray and slash priceless canvases and stabbed at the expensive furniture in anger. He knocked over her chair, table and decoration within the room. Vases of fresh flowers, delicate statuettes and more were shattered as the last bit of his tantrum consisted of him throwing a stool against the large gilded mirror in the bathroom. The loudness of it shattering echoed around the vaulted rooms and sounded like an attack was occurring within, as Cas' shoulders rose up and down as he struggled to regain his breath.

"...By the sound of it he is having a fantastic tantrum, Your Highness," declared Hénri, primary counsel to the king.

"As expected from a spoilt prince, I suppose." Lucian spat at his Lord Steward, along with two guards trailing behind them, whilst they marched down the grandiose corridors towards the apartments he had placed Caspian within. "And it was reported that he hasn't eaten in how many days now?"

"Two, Your Majesty."

"Why am I just now being notified of this?"

"It seemed trivial, at the time, but now I fear he might fall ill."

"Yes, and if he does it shall greatly displease me. Do you know who I shall hold responsible should he fall ill?"

"Yes, Your Highness. As your adjutant, I shall assume full responsibility."

Lucian hummed a noise of approval deep within his throat, as they rounded the corner to march up to Caspian's door. Entering the code, once the locks disengaged and the metal door slid open, he and Hénri marched inside, while the two guards remained stationed just beyond the door.

The warlord was momentarily thunderstruck by the sight before him. He glanced around at the mayhem and destruction the small princeling manufactured. It appeared as if a typhoon had torn through the chambers and in the middle of it, standing completely naked with a smirk on his gaunt face, stood Caspian – appearing rather proud of his accomplishment. "What have you done?"

Caspian was standing amid all the disarray he had created as the king suddenly entered, accompanied by a small entourage. "You are an intelligent man, your majesty, you can clearly see that I am quite displeased with the rooms you have given to me and decided to let that be known. Absolutely anything that you attempt to offer to me, I shall refuse...I will not eat an ounce of food or touch any object that is presented to me from you...all of it is tainted and vile," the blonde hissed at him boldly. Cas swayed slightly, as his balance was off due to lightheadedness from not eating, barely sleeping and the immense amount of anxiety that was overwhelming him about his new situation.

Lucian pressed his lips tightly together, in an effort to contain his mounting displeasure, but he was unsuccessful in doing so and snarled, "Foolish whelp!" He started after the boy and actually had to chase down the unsteady creature, before capturing him by an arm and jerking him towards himself, whereupon he miscalculated his strength and the boy bounced off his firm body with a whimper.

For a split moment, he contemplated punishing him for his reckless behavior, but due to the way the youngling was swaying and sensing he was not altogether in his right mind at the moment he decided against it for now. "Have a tray brought up from the kitchens and sent to my quarters," he snappishly ordered, marching past the Lord Steward with the boy in his grip.

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