The stars should have looked beautiful

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I rounded a corner and it took all of me to not scream.

It was one of them, at the end of the hallway.

And it was staring right in my direction.

  I felt it's cold lifeless stare penetrate my skin, and I instantly backed up behind the wall, praying that the zombie had not seen me.

  But feeding myself white lies was not going to make it better. A loud unmistakable shriek came from down that very hallway, and the sound of running towards me.


  Several more shrieks erupted from all sides and I made a dash for it. I ran faster than I thought I ever could, trying to get away from the threat. But I was also painfully aware of the fact that they were gaining on me. The shrieks were getting louder and louder.

I had to think of something fast.

  Instantly I saw a turn coming up ahead and I rounded it, before proceeding to repeat the process. For a while, my plan seemed to work; the horrific sounds of the lifeless seemed to fade slowly.

  I took another turn and saw the stairs right in front of me. This was it, I was closer to my destination. Without stopping, I sprinted forward, and then, without warning, a door to my left opened and out came a zombie, crashing itself in to me.

  "Ah!" I screamed as it repeatedly bit down, trying to reach my neck. " me!" I yelled, reaching for my weapon and slitting it's throat clean open.

  I didn't even bother to take notice off all the zombie blood that splattered my face this time. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the first of the many zombies to round the corner.

  I didn't need to tell myself what to do. I scrambled up the stairs as fast as possible, all the while being almost deafened by the horrifying sounds of the undead which bounced off the walls, making it seem like they were coming from everywhere.

  Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity of running, I saw light up ahead: I was almost at the roof.

  I looked back down at the stairs and almost had a heart attack. The whole horde of zombies were on the stairs beneath me! Shit!!

  Finding myself with renewed energy, I sprinted up the last few stairs and slammed the door shut, locking it just as the first of the undead creatures reached the door, banging itself in to it. Then, for good measure, I got one of the ladders on the roof and wedged it in the door, effectively shutting it.

For a few moments at least.

  "Oh...oh g..goodness" I panted, my knees giving away beneath me as I fell on to the hard concrete surface. "H..holy s..shit I m...made it"

  My heart was pounding, I was drenched in my own sweat, and my body felt like it was on fire. I couldn't move, my muscles had gone stiff. Drops of zombie blood oozed down my face and dripped down to the floor, and my clothes were torn in multiple areas.

But I had made it...

I..I was alive.

  I coughed a little and blood splattered on the floor, though I couldn't tell whether it was my blood or not.

  I looked back at the door; the zombies were still in there and trying to get through. The door seemed to be holding up.

  But I couldn't rest now, I had to get to some sort of shelter, or at least somewhere not in plain sight. Very weakly I looked around, and saw a tiny room up ahead, with it's door ajar.


  I put my hands on the ground and pushed upwards with all the power I could muster, trying to get up, but my arms gave away beneath me and I fell again to the ground face first, and this time I was so sure it was my blood that was rolling down my nose now.

My vision was blurring, and I could feel my consciousness going away. I..i couldn't give up yet.

Feebly, I attempted to crawl towards the tiny room.

  Placing one arm in front of the other, I moved forward at a snail's pace. I must have looked so pitiful at that moment. I must have looked just like I felt at that moment; delicate, and fragile. I was well aware that if I took more damage in any way I might not survive.

  My vision was getting darker, and darker. My breathing was becoming more and more labored, and the little strength I had was leaving me. B..but I was so close now. I..I had to reach the door.

J..just a..a little f..fur..further

  And at that moment I collapsed, the last thing I saw being the stars that had made themselves visible in the early night sky. And just before I blacked out I thought to myself...

"The stars should have looked beautiful tonight"

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