Chapter 2 - Kicking Ass and Taking Names

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Kali nodded, "Mhmm, it looked kinda like this." She then tried to copy the face, and failed spectacularly. Making Cassandra snicker.


Kali was about to say something else when the compartment door opened, and three Slytherins sneered at them. Cassandra narrowed her eyes. "Can we help you?"

The obvious leaders (Bitch #1) voice sounded almost like a pugs would if they could talk. "You can get out of our compartment. "

Kali frowned, "We were here first, there for its our compartment. "

The second in command (Bitch #2) spoke up. "It doesn't matter if you were here first, this our compartment because we said so! And we're older than you, so you have to listen. " Bitch #2 had a smug look on her face as she said this. Obviously believing what she's saying.

Kali tilted her head and then said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "How about you fuck off, and we won't do something that would make you regret ever even looking in our window. What do ya say, hun?" Kali's tone of voice made the bitch trio hesitate. But Bitch #1 was about to push their luck, when both Kali and Cassandra stood up and just grinned at them. In unison. Making the three Slytherins quickly back up and shut the door, practically running away.

Cassandra spoke up as they sat back down. "Well that was anticlimactic. "

Kali snorted, "Yup."


Cassandra and Kali looked around the Great Hall as they walked in. They overheard Hermione talking about the ceiling but ignored her. McGonagall put the stool and hat down, then turned back to the students. "When I call your name you will come up and be sorted into your House. Understood?" She didn't wait for an answer and called out, "Abbott, Hannah!"

Kali and Cassandra whispered to each other, guessing and making bets on which House everyone would go to. They both perked up as Harry's name was called and, like everyone else, waited with bated breath.


Kali pouted. "Gryffindor, really? I would have thought he'd be a Slytherin. "

Cassandra shot her a look. "You know that this fic is mostly following canon, so shush."

"But Cass-" Kali's whining was cut off by Professor McGonagall calling out her name.

"Iverson, Kali Jade!"

Kali huffed annoyed, but walked up to the stool and sat down. The hat was only on her head for a minute when it called out, "Ravenclaw!"

Kali went and sat down at the Ravenclaw table. Two more names were called before McGonagall called out, "Crosshatch, Cassandra Melody!"

Causing Kali to pay attention to the sorting again. Cass walked up to the stool and sat down, obviously. It took a little over three minutes for the hat to call out, "Ravenclaw!"

Cass sat down next to Kali and bumped her shoulder. "Huh, we're in the same House. It's almost as if the writer wanted to make it easier on herself, since you're more of a Gryffindor than a Ravenclaw. " Kali deadpanned.

Cassandra smacked her. "Stop breaking the fourth wall!"

"You broke it first." Kali grumbled as she rubbed her arm.

Word Count : 493

I accidentally almost put "months" instead of "minutes" when writing about how long it took to sort Cass. Also Dove actually is a Gryffindor, we just thought that it would help with our plan if she wasn't a Gryffindor in the fic.

Anyways, bye my gremlins! 

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