The Whisperer At Midnight

Start from the beginning

"Here." James said suddenly. His right arm was outstretched towards them and in the middle of his palm was a pale red apple. 

Clem felt herself smile, relieved. "Thank you." She took the apple and cut it into two slices, making sure AJ's slice was bigger before handing it to him. He gratefully took it and ate slowly. She pulled him closer, careful not to put any stress in his wound, and held her piece in her hand. Surprisingly, after the awfully long day they had, hunger was the last thing on her mind. There were too many other things to worry about. AJ. Lily. The school.

He shook her head slightly as she directed her gaze to the campfire.

What could they do? 

She allowed her gaze to wander up to the young man, and their eyes met for a brief moment. Well, as of right now, the most she could do is try to know him a little better.

" you have a name?"

He looked at her for a second before returning his eyes to the fire.

"Been awhile..."

"Since what?"

"Since I've said it." He admitted. Clem watched as he slowly reached up towards his mask, however she was not prepared for the face the his behind it.

Her eyes widened slightly as she allowed her them to explore the young man's features.

A strong jawline. Peach colored, bow-shaped lips which complemented the olive skin tone of his face which seemed to hold no blemish that couldn't be fixed with a little soap and water. Above his long nose at two slanted, earthy brown eyes with strong, straight eyebrows to match. And on top of his head sat straight, chin length dark brown hair styled in a way that some of it slightly covered his left eyebrow.

To be frank, he was handsome. Very handsome.

"Huh..." Clem thought to herself. "He's...different than I imagined." She was so lost in her thoughts she almost didn't catch his name.


She shook her head to clear her thoughts and asked the other question that was constantly niggling in the back of her head.

"Why did you help us, James?"

He looked over to her, then at the mask in his hands. He gingerly sat it aside before standing and walking around camp as he answered her question with another question.

"The people who attacked you. What do you know about them?"

Clem didn't have to think long to come up with an answer. "I know they steal kids. They took two last year." She said as her brows furrowed angrily at the thought of Tenn's sisters being ripped away from their home.

"Hm. A common practice for them. They're at war up north. Their entire community, against another. It's why they take people. To make them fight. Train them. Use them." He whispered in disgust. "If they captured you, you would join their war."

Clem shook her head, not wanting to believe what she was hearing. "That's... awful." Lily and Abel had easily overpowered them. If Violet and Louis weren't there to cause a distraction, there's a good chance her and AJ would be prisoners right now...

"Yes, that's why I helped you." James admitted.

She looked up at him as a grateful smile tugged at her lips. "Thank you."

James responded with a small smile of his own that only made Clem's wider. However, the peaceful mood was soon interrupted when a guttural moan sounded from the nearby trees. They all turned their heads to the direction of the noise and saw as a walker with faded blue pants immerged and wandered aimlessly near them, but it didn't see them. Clem grabbed her knife and got ready to attack when James suddenly grabbed her wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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