The Whisperer At Midnight

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Clem carried AJ in her arms as she followed the stranger deeper into the woods. The past experiences she had with people screamed warnings at her with every step she took.

"You have no idea who he is."

"You have no idea what he could do."

"He's wearing walker skin!"

"This is a bad idea- "

She was snapped out of her thoughts as AJ groaned, his face twisting up in pain. She eyed him with worry, concern crossing her features.

"Don't worry." The man said in a hushed voice. "We're almost there."

She nodded slightly in understanding as she shifted her hold on the young boy in her arms.

She still wasn't sure what his full intentions were, but he did save them...

She would trust him. At least for now...

For AJ.


After the painful process of removing the shrapnel from AJ's belly was completed, Clem carried him over to the campfire the young man had prepared. She carefully sat him down against a fallen tree before taking a seat next to him. She observed him for a moment before allowing her worried gaze to wander over the forest and her mind to wonder about their current situation.

What would their next move be after this?

Where would they go?

What could she do for AJ?

"I didn't mean to endanger you."

Her worried thoughts were suddenly halted by the mysterious young man's soft, raspy voice.

"The walkers. They were sent to help you."

"What?" She thought. "Sent? He sent them?"

"You...sent the walkers?" She voiced her thoughts.

The young man hesitated slightly before he spoke again. "Was part of a group," he explained as he directed his gaze in her direction but, not quite looking at her, "Call themselves Whisperers. They've learned to live in herds among the walkers. Move among them. Sometimes even guide them."

"What?..." Clem thought. She's never heard of that before. The most she's done with getting up close and personal with walkers was a couple years ago when Jane taught her the technique of smearing herself in walker guts to move among them. She's never had to do it for long periods of time, but just quick enough to get by them. But by the way he described it, it seems like Whisperers practically live within a group of walkers.

She shivered slightly. It sounded insane. It sounded like a nightmare...

She thought some more about what he had just told her. He said he was with a group. So, what happened to them?

"So, why are you alone out here if you were part of a group?" She asked.

His eyes gazed into the fire before speaking.

"They attacked a community. I saw the carnage. After that, I didn't want to be part of it anymore." He shook his head slightly in remorse. Sorry for what he had seen. Sorry that he had been a part of it.

He didn't notice the sympathetic look Clem gave him. She was about to speak again when AJ groaned in pain, causing her attention to immediately snap to him.

"Does it hurt?" She asked in worry.

"Hungry." the boy replied in strained voice.

Clem bit her lip. She didn't have any food on her. Her backpack was gone. She supposed maybe she could gather some berries or nuts. There had to be something growing out here that was edible...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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