A New Arrival

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I was waiting at the dock for what it seemed about 3 minutes before a boat came heading towards the dock. It was just a standard boat with a sail and seats. A pirate was behind the boat in the water, I guess he was pushing the boat? "The boat is here!" He screamed out. I carefully got on the boat and took a seat. The boat then started moving, As the boat was moving I then had another one of those things, Where my vision gets blurry. When it stopped, I was still on the boat, I also saw an island that we were close to going towards.

Once we got to the island the pirate then yelled, "You'll find everything you need here.. Go!" I followed everyone else not knowing where to go. We walked on a sandy path then climbed a little hill We got onto grass, Looking around my surroundings. I saw a village. There was a bridge that other people and I then crossed. The bridge had a hole in it. I jumped over it as everyone else did. Some people went inside the village houses and some continued along the path. Since I didn't know where to go, I followed the others.

We walked a little until seeing a waterfall and a ramp, I headed up the ramp as other people did too. There was a beautiful lake when I headed up the ramp, it was connecting to the waterfall. Where everyone else was heading was a staircase, I walked over to it and started to walk up to it. There were three more staircases before reaching a building. It was as big as a mansion. When I stepped inside I was greeted by two people, They were wearing nurse hats so I assumed they were nurses.

"Welcome to De Pride Isle Sanatorium! We dearly hope You enjoy your stay here! The mandatory uniforms are on the left!" She then pointed to a room on the left of the entrance. "Once You get it on please head to the cafeteria for some delicious food! We will be here to lead you there if you are new." The ladies were so pleasant and stunning. They were absolutely beautiful. "Thank You," I replied back to them.

Once I got into the room there were four uniforms. The pink and purple ones were shirt dresses with a little bow on the neck. for their color and design, I assumed they were for girls. the next ones were a blue and a cyan one, they were just a shirt and pants with the lighter color of dots all around them. Kind of like a patient's uniform. I got on the purple one and headed outside "That looks stunning on You Dear!" A nurse standing outside said to me. The other nurses had left.

I followed her as she walked up the stairs then to a left on a hallway, she turned to the second door. There was four rooms, three of them I didn't know what was inside them but the other one had a sign on top of the door saying "Cafeteria" In cursive letters. There was also a big hole in the floor with a fence. It seemed like the dorms were there. The nurses might need to watch the other people of course. I and the nurse walked inside. There were mostly four tables for four, but there were about three tables for 6. I sat down at a table for four alone and waited for my food.

(Woo! first book, I will be continuing this!)

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