First Day Back

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It was August 4th, the first day of school for Patton Leaf.

He was excited to be back, new teachers, old and new friends, and all around just as fun as summer!

He ate some cereal for breakfast, surprised at how his mom was up. "Mommy? ...Morning! You...okay?" She smiled a warm smile at him and nodded. "I'm perfectly fine, just wanted to see my baby boy get on the bus and go off to his first day of 7th grade!"

Patton smiled back and nodded. His dad was just deployed in the military, and had left a week or two earlier. Patton cried and cried alone in his room. His dad had just gotten back! And then he left again...

Patton smiled anyways, putting his empty bowl in the sink and turning down the picture of him and his dad as he walked down the hall, slinging his backpack over his shoulders. "Mom, i'm going outside for the bus now!" 

His mom came running down the hall with a camera. "Alright, let's go!" She beamed, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes the best she could. She followed Patton outside, and they waited for a while. 

Patton looked down at his outfit choice and smiled. Overalls and a baby blue undershirt with light blue bracelets and brown boots. He was a boot kind of guy for the first week of school. 

He was friends with mostly everyone in the school, and the people he wasn't friends with either didn't like his best friend Roman, or made fun of him for being very childish. He though, was still kind to the people who didn't like him, giving him a good reputation among his peers.

The bus arrived rather quickly, and Patton's mom taped him getting on. "Bye, mom!" He called. She smiled and waved. "Bye, honey!" 

Patton scanned the bus and quickly found Roman saving a seat for him. Patton walked over and sat down next to him. Roman beamed. "Good morning, fellow handsomeness!" Patton giggled at his dramatics. Roman didn't say a word about Patton's dad, knowing not to.

Roman Princely. One of the most gay boys at school, having come out a while back and has had  respect from everyone. He's fairly popular, and a very big theater geek. His twin brother, Remus Princely, was a outcast, yet popular. Roman was very protective of his twin, no matter how much of an oddball he was.

Remus popped up from the seat behind them. "BOO!" Patton yelped and jumped forward, causing him to hit his head on the seat in front of him. Remus giggled and kissed Roman's head. 

Patton smiled, rubbing his head. "Hi, Remus. Excited to be back?" Remus grinned devilishly and that was an answer enough. Logan Star, who was in the seat in front of Patton, poked his head over the seat. "Are you alright?" Patton nodded. "I'm okay Logie, Remus just scared me again. He's getting really good at it!"

Dean Snake, Remus's best friend and partner in crime looked up. "Remus, sit down. I have a wonderful plan on how to get back at Mr. Henderson." Remus perked up and sat back down, whispering with Dean. 

Roman rolled his eyes. "I'll have to sneak him and Dean out of detention again..." Patton sighed. "You could just let them get their punishment..." Roman looked offended and Patton quickly apologized. Why? Because it was never Roman's fault. Ever. That's just how it was.

They arrived at the school and Patton squealed with excitement. Logan rolled his eyes, smiling fondly at his giddy friend. Roman scoffed. "How do you like this place? You're becoming a nerd like that Microsoft Windows error." He said, pointing to Logan.

Logan frowned slightly and quickly walked off, posture straight (Unlike him-). Patton pouted. "You could have been nicer to poor Logie! He's already got a day full of bullying ahead of him!" Roman sighed and shrugged. "You know Remus will be right there to help him."

And he couldn't argue with that.

Everyone went their separate ways and to their own classes. Except Remus and Dean who went off to go get into what ever trouble they were planning to get into. Patton has English first. Not too bad. He sat down more towards the back, seeing some of Logan's bullies in the front. 

"Alright class!" Mrs. Franco clapped her hands and everyone looked up. "This year, a new student transferred here, and i'd like you to give him a warm welcome!" Patton gasped and wiggled in his seat excitedly. New student! New friend!

"Virgil Black, why don't you come in now?" Mrs. Franco said softly. A short, emo-looking boy walked in slowly. His face was covered by his bangs. Mrs. Franco smiled and said no more, as he quickly took the last seat available. Right next to Patton in the back. 

Patton beamed. "Hello!" Virgil looked over and blushed softly, looking down. Patton grinned, looking up at the teacher. This was the start of an amazing, forever friendship. He just knew it!

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