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                     Y/N p0v

It was just a normal day for me in class daydreaming paying attention working. In maths class two people came into the class room Albert and felipe.... They asked if they could have the key to their room because its locked the teacher gave them the key and they left. I couldn't focus anymore because of that. That was the last time I saw felipe.

                -The next day-
On my way back from school(it was just the normal boring day so nothing exciting to write) I saw felipe... alone? I went to him asked "what's wrong?" felipe looked at me and said nothing. I asked him again "what's wrong? Where's Albert?" when I said Albert's name he started getting angry. That was the last thing I remember...

                   Felipe p0v
A random girl walked up to me and asked what was wrong today I looked at her in Confusion. I mean what should be wrong? She then asked again "what's wrong? Where's Albert?" suddenly I got angry how could she say his name?! I started hitting her I wanted to stop but I couldn't.... When I was done I was running home.

OK so sorry this chapter is kinda bad I'm writing this at 1:10 in the morning and I'm kinda tired so sorry about that... About the felipe smut it will probably happen in the one of the next two chapters
Other than that
Enjoy the rest of the day/night or whatever

 felipe x reader /was on a 2-3 year hiatus/Where stories live. Discover now