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A/n: getting into some requests now. I gotta get my blood drawn tomorrow... yay. So idk if I'll be home in time to update tomorrow soz. Iron deficiency gang rise up, but not too fast or you'll black out.

Hc: you like to decorate your work with stickers. You told yourself not to do it on important kira case documents, but after a slip up, L gets a while stack of neatly filed and decorated reports.

Something you just never seemed to leave behind from childhood is your love for stickers. If you were a witness in a case some someone offered you a sticker for telling all the details, you'd do it. So your bag for work has all the essentials, laptop, charger, phone, wallet, keys, pencil case, and at least 5 sticker books.

But once you'd moved into taskforce, you had your own desk to work at in your room and down in the monitor room. Your top drawer being packed with stickers. You were rather behind on reports last week so you'd taken your stack up to your room and finished them at night in your PJs instead of sleeping. But you got them done and on L's desk in a few days, immediately passing out for a day after being so tired.

What you hadn't realised was in your sleepiness. Your mind has gone on auto pilot and you'd done your usual habit of sticking little stars and flowers on the corners, and frogs and cats at the bottom. All without realising it.

So today when L finally got around to reading your reports, he was rather confused when the pile switched from the neat handwriting and clean pages of Mr Yagami to the rather colourful messy writing and shiny stickers on your work. It wasn't exactly a problem, but it was odd to say the least.

As he read through them he even found himself trying to guess what animal you'd stuck on the bottom of the next page. Something about your habit was cute, and made work just a little bit more fun. After all a massive stack of criminal records is pretty boring. Although he did wonder what would happen if he had to hand these over to the police station.

When he got to the bottom of the stack, he gathered all your pages and walked up to your room to ask about this little habit. You jumped out of you me skin when he knocked on the door, as you'd been zoned out watching a movie. You paused it and told him to come in.

"L? Shouldn't you be asl- wait no you don't sleep" you questioned.

"Well, yes. I don't, but that not why I'm here"

He held up the stack of papers and you immediately knew what was wrong when you saw them. So that's why you ran out of cat stickers...

"Oh sh- I must have been on auto pilot... sorry" you sheepishly laughed.

"It's not really a problem. I just wanted to know why you felt the need to put stars and pandas on a list of criminals?"

"It's just something I've always done. I don't know why, it's just a habit at this point. I told myself not to do that for this case but I guess I just zoned out and my mind automatically did it"

"This is well over 60 pages, how many stickers do you even have?"

You gave him an awkward laugh and reached over to open the top drawer of your desk, revealing the mountain of sticker sheets you had inside.

"Wha-" he began, but you cut him off.

"They're like $2 from daiso. Every time I go out I just kind of... grab them? I dunno how I even developed his habit but I just have to put stickers on things I like on things that need to be prettier I guess"

"You put stickers on things you like?"

A lightbulb suddenly went off in your head. You had an opening to be smooth here and shoot your shot. You reached into the drawer and pulled out a sheet with hearts on it. Peeling one off you stuck it on L's cheek.

"Yeah, things I like deserve stickers" you smiled.

You saw his cheeks go red, processing what just happened. You pretty much just admitted you liked him through a sticker.

"W-well if putting stickers on likeable your logic..."

He put the reports on your desk and took a sheet from the drawers. Peeling off a flower, he stuck it on your forehead.

"You should be covered in them"

That smooth mother fucker. Using your own shot back at you.

"You should be too!" You said, taking off another sticker and putting on his nose.

He took off another flower, putting it on your cheek.

And before you knew it, a sticker war had broken out. Complete with giggling and and flirty-banter. Giggling that woke a certain killer upstairs up.

"What the fuck are they laughing about at 3 in the morning?" Light sighed, tossing the sheets aside to get up and tell you both to shut up.

As he got closer to your room he could hear a back and fourth 'you deserve one' 'no you' over and over again.

"What the-" he mumbled to himself.

Opening your door he gave you both a frustrated glare.

"It's three in the mo-"

You both looked over at the intruder in your room, freezing in place not knowing how to explain this. Light gave you a confused look, not expecting to see the worlds greatest detective and the only female cop in taskforce with stickers all over their face and front on their shirts.

"What am I looking at?" He asked.

You and L looked at each other for a moment, not sure how to explain. There was only one word you could think of, one cold hearted light probably didn't know.


L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now