
"TONY!!! Peter pooped into my hand and he's still crying! Take him and Nat and I will get Baby stuff for him!" said Clint, gave Tony the crying baby and left with Nat. Peter got surprisingly calmer as soon as Clint had passed Peter to Tony.

"Shhh... Pete... Everything is alright... Are you hungry? I am. You know what? Let's get pizza. Friday order a Pizza with only tomato sauce and cheese on it."

"Okay boss."

"Pete, the pizza man is already on his way, ok?. Well, let's get you into the tub right now. Seriously, I can't bear your smell anymore."

Tony walked into the bathroom and started filling the tub with warm water. And then he put Peter into the tub and washed him. At first, it was uncomfortable for Tony but he got used to it quickly and enjoyed the time even though Peter mostly splashed water at him. 

After a while, Peter calmed down and took a nap. When the Pizza came, Tony placed Peter carefully into his bed and went into the kitchen.

Tony's pov

Ok, Pete is sleeping and I can start serving the food for us. I took the pizzas out of the box and began to slice them into pieces.

"Hey, Friday? How much do you think should Peter eat for his age?"

"Boss, you should know that babies don't have tooth. They usually eat only mashed food."

"Of course I knew! Friday, prepare the blender."


Third pov


Tony was trying/struggling to get a spoon of mashed pizza into Peter's mouth.

"Petey, say aaaaah..."

Peter didn't like what he tasted and spilled it out immediately.

"Pete, open your mouth for dada...please?"

And Tony tried to push the spoon again through Peter's closed mouth.

"Come on... Peter... It's just Pizza." said Tony with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Peter Benjamin Parker!!! Eat it!"

...aaaaaand Peter began to cry again and hit the spoon with his tiny hands which made Tony's shirt dirty again. Tony was frustrated and about to give up but then...


"Guys, I need help!" shouted Tony from the Kitchen. Clint and Nat walked relaxed into the Kitchen until they saw the mess. Tony covered in something, Peter crying loudly and the Table was a mess too.

"Tony, what is that?" asked Nat seriously while Clint got a towel clean up.

"I made him food because I thought he was hungry!"

"It smells disgusting! What is it?!"

Tony did not say anything so Nat had to ask Friday.

"Boss put Pizza into a blender and tried to feed Peter because he hasn't teeth."

Nat: 🙄🤬


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