Fairies, Pumpkins and Princes

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AN: Hello, I've never written a Draluna story before but I thoroughly enjoyed it as they are definitely my OTP. I hope you enjoy it too.

Fairies, Pumpkins and Princes

Halloween Challenge   

Halloween to Luna was the most important day of the year. Of course Halloween is more important to Witches and Wizards than it would be to muggles but to Luna it was even more. How could a Holiday where you got sweets for the sake of getting sweets not be her favorite? Luna was certainly what you would call a sweet tooth, of course she did prefer pudding but she would take what she could get and she could get the most on Halloween. 

She also loved costumes. In the Wizarding world you weren't expected to dress up but Luna having the father she had was introduced to the muggle celebrations as well, mostly because Xeno thought it more fun.

Luna remembered particularly her 6th Halloween. She had shared it with one of her great friends Milly who was a muggle herself. They were acquainted in a park where Milly was dressed as a fairy and Luna a pumpkin, well actually an Orange  Tasty the big variety, but no one seemed to know it by that name and so for practicality we'll call it a pumpkin.

That Halloween was a most prominent memory for Luna. One because that was the first year she calved a pumpkin by herself and two and most importantly because that was the first and last Halloween she got to spend with Milly.

Milly had gotten sick the year after with Cancer, a disease that was now curable in the magic world but unfortunately not in the muggle realm. This was what Luna found hardest, that she could have helped, but no matter how much she pleaded with her father he would not cave, he explained to her why, He told her that saving Milly would be forsaking the magic community and that he just couldn't do that and neither could she. Saving Milly would bring danger to a lot of people.

Now Milly was gone but Luna still remembers fondly their Halloween although sometimes remembering Milly brings a tear to her eye. Luna believes she owes it to her, that she has to enjoy it for Milly because Milly just couldn't be there herself.

So on the 31st of October Luna awoke with a smile that had been becoming brighter and brighter all week so as to amount to the beautiful vitality of this one.  She went straight to her closet and took out her outfit she had made herself, albeit Professor McGonagall would most likely be confiscating it off her in the very near future.

Her costume was a fairy like Milly had been. Luna's costume was a bit more realistic of course seeing as Milly's costume was derived from flickers of quick glances from humans that passed down the stories of seeing a fairies through the centuries, where as Luna had seen fairies herself many a time.

They did have wings, butterfly wings, Luna had chosen blue her favorite color a light grey sky blue that you often saw in England, more cloudy than a regular sky. Her dress was the same color but also had extra elements of darker and lighter blue's that started near the hem of her skirt. The fabric was soft, soft silk woven into light cotton to make it float like a ghost over water.

Fairies didn't really have wands though, obviously the humans were confused with witches and wizards there. Muggles are funny to remember they had a slight glitter to them but not the most important thing, their crowns. Well actually more like head necklaces, the kind you see on belly dancers sometimes or in an Indian wedding. This is how fairies get their power you see, the crowns. Each and every fairy has a different crown just as all witches and wizards get their own wand.

Yes Luna had seen fairies often but not that many more magic folk had seen fairies than muggles, only a few hundred or so in the last 500 years, where as muggles only 2 or 3.

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