The Legend Of The Ultima

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"There's a story about the origin of the werewolf race. It happened thousands and thousands of years ago. There was a man who was dearly in love with his wife, so much that he would do anything for her... And she loved him just the same. They lived together happily for many, many years, but then one day his wife fell deathly ill... The man was heartbroken, he couldn't live without his love. So, out of desperation, he made a pact with a demon during a blood moon. The pact would allow the man to bring back his wife from the dead. However, that pact required the sacrifice of a living creature. To which, the man chose a wolf. The god of wolves found out. Furious, the wolf god cursed the man to forever walk the earth as not a human, but a monster - part man, part wolf. When he returned to his village he was sworn. People rejected the beast he has become. He was banished to the depths of the woods where he would stay for years. The man grew lonely and wandered back to the village. It was there he realized his curse was not that he was a hideous monster. But, that he was cursed to turn other humans into half human, half wolves. Driven by his loneliness, he transformed the entire village into werewolves. This was the first pack of werewolves ever to roam the earth, and he was their leader. A monster driven mad by loneliness. The other werewolves feared him and his power, and that is the story of the first werewolf. They call his bloodline the...Ultima." Lucinda said as I started to slowly wake up. As I sat up I seen that it was about noon from the looks of it out the window. I got off of my bed and grabbed a red hair tie from my bedside table. I hummed as I put my hair into low ponytail. I opened my door and walked out into the hallway and walked over to the main room as I heard dad, Aaron, Kim and Lucinda talking with each other. As I walk out Aaron catches my eye and smiles a little causing dad to turn and look at me.
"Ah Luna, how have you been?" He asked looking tired. I laughed softly as I walked over to rub his shoulders to calm him down.
"I'm good. You guys on the other hand don't look good. What are you guys even doing?" I asked as I looked at the drawn map of the Starlight park.
"Well we are trying to find a way that would be safe to get off the island." Lucinda said as she pointed to the five parts of the island. I looked at the two parts that were shaded and labeled the resort. Kim started to mutter to Ghost.
"Are you crazy? What if the GF's catch us if we try to get out?" I asked nervous after what happened a few days ago after I tried to get some food for us. I heard the door open but kept listening to what they had to say.
"I know, but all I'm saying is we'll be caught if we stay here too long." Aaron said as he looked at all of us but mostly me.
"I don't think we can afford another run in, not this soon." Lucinda said.
"Based on how they're moving, it will only be a few more days before they begin their search of this section of the island too." Dad said as I let his shoulders go. I looked over at Aph as she walked past us to the kitchen. I moved my eyes back to the group only to see Aaron smile softly at where Aph was just at. As he looked back I smirked at him looking over at Aph making kissing faces only to make him roll his eyes at me. Melissa and me pick on him and Aph a lot.
"That's if we're lucky. They could start anytime soon." Lucinda said bringing my attention onto her voice.
"They're searching through the island systematiclly. They're starting at the tips of the island and moving around in order. Part of me doubts they are going to make carless moves." Dad said causing me to look at the map trying to think of something useful to say.
"So what should we do?" Kim asks just before I could speak.
"We could try to steal a ship and get off the island?" Lucinda offered but dad did not look impressed.
"That's dangerous..." I said causing Lucinda to look down thinking for a better thought.
"The waters are being monitored off the coast. Even if we manage to find a boat we'd have to make it past the guardian forces fleet that's blockaded the island." Dad said making me wonder if we ever will get out.
"As nice as that idea sounds, a boat doesn't seem like the best option..." Kim said trying to not be too hurtful.
"This might be crazy but I think we should move back to the part of the island they've already searched." Aaron said causing all of them to fall silent for a moment. "They're confident in how thorough they are, if we could make it back to the resort - a place they already searched then they wouldn't think twice about going back there." Aaron continues but dad looked at Aaron but I couldn't read what his eyes were saying.
"No..." Dad finally said causing Aaron to look at him confused.
"Huh?" He asked causing me to look at Aaron then to dad knowing what might be coming that happens a lot.
"It's a good idea, but it won't work. We have our entire group here to move back into the beach house. You think they're going to let us do that so easily?" Dad said trying to stay calm.
"Then what do you think we should do?" I asked before Aaron could, so they wouldn't fight.
"We stick to the plan. We need to move our group away from the guardian forces search. We need to continue to move further into the island." Dad says looking at my eyes the entire time.
"That just means we'll have to keep relocating every time they get closer." Aaron says taking dad's eyes.
"It's safer than putting ourselves at risk. Going back into searched territory means we put ourselves closer to them in the process." Dad said. Lucinda and Kim looked at me wondering if they should jump in but I shook my head 'no' as Aaron began.
"It's worth the risk, what's gonna happen if we run out of places to run to?" Aaron asked.
"We'll think about it when it happens. For now, what matters is keeping us safe." Dad said looking at Aaron.
"I'm thinking the same thing, and keeping us safe means thinking of every outcome that would possibly-" Aaron said but our dad cut him off.
"That's enough Aaron. We're going to move inland!" Dad said getting angry but gasped as he realized his tone with Aaron wasn't helping anyone. I looked towards Dad as he struggled with his words. I then looked at Aaron to see his eyes held sadness causing me to wrap my arms around his shoulders to comfort him. Kim and Lucinda looked at each other worried but Aaron began to speak.
"Fine, we'll go further into the island." Dad began to write stuff down as I began to whisper to Aaron.
"It's okay..." I said softly as dad continued.

I sat in the chair next to Aaron playing  with a pencil as Lucinda spoke.
"As long as we're not caught off guard." She said as the door shut scaring me because I didn't hear it open. I throw my head around to see Zane standing there, smiling awkwardly at me probably from how fast I turned my head. Everyone turned their attention towards him as he spoke.
"Sorry to interrupt." He said.
"We we're just finishing here, don't worry." Lucinda said smiling softly at him.
"In that case, not sorry... But I wanted to ask, any idea on when Garroth is getting back?" Zane said as I looked towards dad wondering where Garroth was. Dad looked down at his phone and read something while he spoke.
"He should've been here by now." He said as I began to worry but Zane sighs annoyed.
"That boob." He said then sighed once again. "I don't mind taking his shift."
Kim raised her hand gaining Zane's attention.
"I'll take over for him." She offered shocking Zane completely.
"Seriously?" He asked.
"Yeah, I don't mind." She said softly.
"Hmmm...I don't know how I feel about that." Zane said making Lucinda scoff.
"Too proud to let a lady take over for you?" She said making me chuckle.
"No! It's just the Ro'meave's should take on their responsibilities, or at least I speak for myself." He said with honor but it slacked off when he thought about Garroth making me look angry at him.
"But Garroth isn't here." Lucinda said.
"Exactly, and I am Zane Ro'meave. Which is why I should-" He said but was immediately stopped by me.
"Oh shut up and just let Kim take watch!" I said annoyed making Zane grumble and glare at me.
"Fine... Thank you Kim, I appreciate that." He said defeated. Kim giggled as I smirked at Zane and turned around continuing to play with the pencil.
"No problem." Kim said softly smiling she said as she got up and walked to the door. I caught sight of her eyes being blue making me get up immediately as she stopped looking back at Zane over her shoulder. I grabbed her shoulder making her look away and keep walking out of the room, leaving me confused.
"We'll talk again later, for now dismissed." Dad said drawing my attention back to them at the table. Lucinda and Aaron nodded as they got out of their chairs. Zane walked off into the direction Aph went and I followed Lucinda and Aaron.

I waited outside the door for Aph to finish bandaging Aaron so she could check my side.
"Thanks babe." He said softly.
"How did the meeting go?" Aph asked.
"Eh..." Aaron said making me frown softly.
"I take it that it didn't go too well?" She guessed.
"It just didn't go as I hoped, that's all." He said looking down at her. "My dad's just trying to make sure everyone's safe." Aaron said.
"Yeah..." Aph whispered. "You know, if you want me to... I could try and heal you." She said making me worried.
"No. Save your strength, these are just scratches." He said.
"Deep ones..." She replied making him scoff quietly.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." Aphmau laughed.
"You Lycans are so stubborn!" She said making me smile.
"Run's in the family I guess." He says laughing softly.
"Just let me know if I can do anything to help you, okay hun?" She said making me smirk at the nicknames.
"I will."
"Umm... Hey, how about you go outside? Get some fresh air." Aph said.
"Nah, I'll be fine." He said. I opened the door just as Aaron grabbed Aph's cheek. "Luna!" He shouted as he let go dropping his arm down to his side as Aph chuckled in embarrassment.
"Sorry to barge in on you lovebird's but my side needs more stitching." I said pulling up my shirt to show my bandages covered in blood. Aph yelped as she quickly got me on the bed and took off the bandage to reveal my bullet hole that I received trying to get food for everyone. I winced as she put the disinfectant on the wound. She quickly but elegantly threaded the needle easily through my skin and pulled the wound close as she cut the thread. She wiped around the wound with a wipe as she placed bandage around my stomach. Then my ears perked to the sound of Garroths voice.
"Is that-" Aaron said but I cut him off.
"Garroth? Yup, I can hear his heartbeat..." I said smiling softly but rolled my eyes as Aaron smirked and copied my kissing face from me earlier. "Come on!" I said annoyed as I walked past him, hitting him on the head on my way out.
"Be right back babe." I heard him say softly as Aph giggled. When he ran out behind me I jumped and rubbed his head mocking him.
"Oh Aphmau! I love you so much! I'll be back so we can have our daily makeout session!" I shouted in his ear.  He laughed as he playfully punched my shoulder.
"You can't talk! You're the one who said you heard his heartbeat." Aaron said smirking down at me.
"You're lucky you're my twin." I said glaring up at him.
"Right back at you." He said chuckling softly as we walked to the front room to see dad with Garroth and... Agent R. Aaron looked at Agent R and his eyes widened, mine did as well.
"R?"  Aaron asked shocked.
"Been awhile kid, Luna." He said smirking at them.

Hey Guys! Hope you like it! I'll try to work more on it tomorrow on January 7th 2020. Bye fellow werewolves, meifwas, and humans
Word Count: 2230 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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