I opened my jar of Nutella and quickly ate a spoonful, "this is some good shit right here"

"Still can't believe you don't have diabetes yet" Sadie said.

"I don't either" I said with a quick smile before I dug in for another spoon.

"Oh yeah, Millie was looking for you Sadie" jack said as he opened a bottle of Mountain Dew.

"Why?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Because she wants to know where Finn is? Obviously, you know the drill"

"Shouldn't she be looking for Finn then, not me?" She said.

"Does she still think y'all are dating or some shit?" Wyatt asked me and I shrugged.

"We were never dating in the first place" I said.

"Yeah but you still fucked her?" Jack rolled his eyes.

"No, I never even touched her" I said with a mouth full of Nutella.

"Guys, she's not that bad. She's a sweet girl" Sadie said, trying to defend Millie.

"A girl? She's a psycho! She's obsessed with me!" I exclaimed.

"She's honestly very nice," Sadie said as she crossed her arms.

"More like honestly very crazy" I argued.

"She's crazy? What about that girl in the polaroid? She's crazy for even wanting you to hit her up!" Sadie exclaimed.

"What's so weird about me getting hit on? Because you and Wyatt are both dating someone, I'm not allowed to get hit on?" I said with my brows furrowed.

"I never said that!" Sadie defended herself.

"Plus, she didn't even want to hit me up, her friend it her picture in there" I said.

"How does that make anything better?" She argued.

"Just let me eat my Twinkie in peace, jesus!" Wyatt exclaimed.

"Well, I'll let you because I'm leaving right now" I declared as I stood up with my Nutella.

"What are you gonna do?" Sadie asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe Maeve will want to hang out with me," I said and got all my shit together, "can't believe I'm the one that's leaving, this is my house"


"Enya!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"What happened?" Enya came into my room in concern.

"Did you give my number to the guitar boy?" I asked.

"Oh, did he hit you up already?" She asked with a big smile. I groaned and kicked the air.

"Why would you do that?" I complained and shook the life out of her.

"Because you want a boyfriend?" She said and I face palmed myself.

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