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Gara opened her eyes and realized she was no longer on the ship. She searched the room looking for her team and her general, who was in the command center with her when it was hit.

She saw Leia sitting down, but she definetly wasn't expecting to see the man hovering over her.

"Luke..." she let out a squeak. She was weak, most likely from the blow and could hardly move. The old man's blue eyes met her own and a soft smile spread across his face.

"Gara" he responded, placing a kiss on his sister's forehead and placing something in her hand. He made his way to Gara and sat by her side.

"I thought that I would never see you again...I already lost Han and I don't think I could handle losing you without at least saying goodbye"

"Young Gara...our final farewell is closer than you think. You're in safety now, but beyond these walls you are still under attack. He is waiting and it's my responsibility to protect you. It's all my fault" he responded, brushing the hair out of the young girls face.

"This is not your fault and you are not doing this alone" she attempted to get out of the makeshift bed, but collapsed under her own weight.

"This is my battle and you're too weak to fight anyone, especially Kylo Ren at the moment" he smiled sadly. "But believe me, you are a fighter and you'll get to make your mark in this chapter of the resistance. You have made us and your grandfather very proud."

And with that, Luke Skywalker placed a kiss on her forehead and took his final steps out of safety, barricading the resistance behind him.

"We need to find a way out!" Finn said. Gara looked at his feet to find Rose hurt. Shots could be heard outside and she flinched.

"Finn is right. We don't have much time" Leia agreed as Poe picked Gara up. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled sadly.

"I'm glad you're safe" he told her as they made their way to find the exit, following the pack of the Vulptices.

"Have you heard anything from Rey? Is she okay?" Gara asked, concerned for her friend's safety. Poe just shook his head. She was worried, although she has never come in contact with Kylo Ren, or really seen him, she knew he was powerful and Rey's powers were not as developed as his.

"It seems as we have a problem" Poe's voice rang through the tunnel. Everyone stepped dead in their tracks and Gara turned her face only to find their only exit covered by stones, with an opening big enough only for the Vulptices.

"Put me down" she told Poe, and he did so without protest. She attempted to move the stones with the force, but was still too weak to do anything other than stand. Poe caught her again as she fell backwards, even more depleted than she was a second ago. "She's our only hope for survival right now" she whimpered into his shoulder.

As if her word were heard by the past Jedis, the stones began to move and the light eliminated the previously dark path.

"Rey!" Finn exclaimed and Poe, with Gara still in his arms, ran towards her. The four of them embraced in a hug.

"I'm glad you're safe" Gara smiled softly.

"Are you okay?" Rey responded, seeing her friends limp body in Poe's arms.

"She's just weakened by the blast. She just needs rest" Leia said, leading everyone into the ship so they can get to safety. Rey was the last on the ship, staring off into the distance, and then closing its doors and taking her place next to Gara, who looked at her concerned.

"Don't worry, he doesn't know where we're going. But I know this isn't the end"

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