𝖎. Deal With The Devil.

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      "Seth!" Her hand collides with his bare chest.

      "Ouch, fine." He winces, handing the phone before shifting his right arm under the weight of his head as he silently observes the girl above him.

   Ingrid wasn't like many girls he'd encountered—both looks and personality-wise. Sure, she had her flaws—her exaggerated desire for control as an act of jealousy, her honeyed skin slightly littered with blemishes, the minor crookedness of her nose, and so on. Ingrid Holden was a female of flaws, and despite hating just how much she berated herself for such things, Seth couldn't deny she was the most perfect being he'd ever known. Perhaps too perfect for him, he believes, for even though the pair agreed not to get too attached to one another—merely fuck buddies—he could sense the curly haired goddess gradually become attached. Though he knew it was wrong, he couldn't find the courage to let her go, so instead he relished in the sex, but loathed how they fought like an incompetent married couple—like his parents. 

    "It's Maddy." Ingrid sighs, her expensive acrylic nails tapping swiftly across the screen. "Guess who broke up again!

    "God no, don't remind me." He shields his eyes, groaning against his skin. "They act as if I'm their fucking counsellor. I stayed up till four in the morning listening to their bullshit." 

    "That's sweet of you." Ingrid coos, leading Seth to scowl at her elegant features. "What? Oh, forgot—Mr Bad Boy. Must protect the reputation." 

    "Funny." His tone is sarcastic, as he once again captures Ingrid's lips.

  His hands drifts to her hips once more, for what started as a slow, tender kiss resulted in a hot, demanding kiss. He purposely pulls her closer, savouring how warm and pleasant she is against his chest. Ingrid knows the teenage boy's strategy quite well—though as she places her hand against his chest, intending to pull away, she finds herself leaving it there causing Seth to smirk against her lips knowingly. 

  Wind, unexpectedly, blows through the sudden unsealed window and into his bedroom with a powerful passion. The pair gladly disregard this, along with the scattering of sheets of paper littered on his desk as if they were the leaves of fall, until—

       "Oh, shit!" 

   Ingrid lets out a yelp, swollen lips tearing away from contact to shift her gaze onto the intruder. Her gaze shows a lack of softness, a look purely conveyed with bubbling hatred. Disgust, perhaps. 

      "Well, this is awkward."  Lana sheepishly grins, considering the lack of clothing from both teens, lastly managing to release her leg from the hold the open window had on her. 

      "You think." Ingrid quips, releasing her grip on Seth. She irritatingly bites her tongue, refusing to let the pale girl get to her—it was a new thing she's trying, she couldn't bear to give Lana the satisfaction of seeing her riled up.

      "Nice to see you too, Ingrid." Lana jeers, rolling her bright brown eyes. "I see you you're still Seth's little fling—so I guess nothing's changed, huh?" 

      "You ever heard of privacy?" Seth queries, glowering at Lana. "Or a front door?" 

      "Oh, yeah." She nods, as a matter of fact. "You want me to show your booty call the way." In her teasing triumph, a small pout forms on her lips, followed by a tilt of the head. 

   Ingrid inhales a deep breath, one that causes Lana to stifle a chuckle. In several seconds, Ingrid's classy attire, consisting of a tight-fit mini skirt and blouse, covers her slender body. As she leans forward, Ingrid ensures she's got Lana's full attention before capturing Seth's lips with her own, almost causing the blondish-brunette to vomit on the spot. Seth was shocked, that's for sure—especially with how brittle the air was at that moment. He avoids his sister's gaze, only because he knows her internal thoughts, or rather the words she'd mouth at him. Standing upright, Ingrid departures from the room, not before scoffing at Lana's directed middle finger, leaving behind her lingering scent of high-priced perfume and lip stains all over a certain teenager.

Heartless ━━ Lexi Howard.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt