Rules and info

119 9 6

Hello again!

So first things first. I am writing this right after the last part so still He/Him pronouns

Some info:
There are no parents in this family!
We are all siblings that take care of each other

If there are any topics you want to have an open discussion about leave a comment and I will try to make it happen.
Same thing with questions.

If there is a topic that is serious and you want to talk to me about it, feel free to message me.

I will also try to respond to every comment as well

1. No homophobia or transphobia. I don't know why I would have to say this because I have never seen anyone on here like that but...

2. No ship hate. I know people can get into huge fights about this.

3. No fighting. It is ok to get into debates about something but don't let it escalate into a fight because we are here to build people up not tear them down

4. No fandom hate. If you are not a fan of a fandom don't be rude about it. If you haven't seen/read/listened to whatever the fandom is based off of then try it before you decide

5. If someone tells you that they are uncomfortable with how a conversation is going or something like that, please stop and maybe redirect it

6. Just be kind. It's not that hard and it will be better for everyone

7. Have fun on here

If you disobey these rules you have 3 chances and once those are up I will delete your comments and everything in my power to make sure your toxicity is eliminated from this book. You might be able to redeem yourself, I'm not sure yet

If you have any questions on rules or want more info feel free to message me on here

Until next time!

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