lone wolf

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Water gurguled along the tranquil stream. Wild flowers and thick soft blades of grass covered the clearing while the horses grazed peacfully in the shade. This was the perfect place to set up my tepee. Just out of sigt of the main camp. I inhaled the sweet, clean air and set to work. A couple of hours later the sun was setting and my crakaling fire was roasting my dinner, I sat watching the flames dance and wondered if my life would always be like this. A loner, present but not seen, listening but not herd. I had no one. My thoughts are interrupted by cooked food then bed then sleep.

The morning light crept through my eyelids and woke me to the chorus of bird song. I pulled on my cloak and boots then emerged onto the dew soked grass. Suddenly a mouth watering smell hit me and I headed strait for the centeral fire. I discovered a slowly roasting deer which seemed to be calling my name. Freya it called, Freya eat me, I just couldnt let it down. Other than the men and women of the dawn hunt who had brought down the deer ( wich i was slowly devouring ) I was the only one awake. But soon others started catching the delicious smell and crawled out of there tepees like bears coming out of hibernation. I quickly hacked of a chunk whith my dagger and retreted back to my own dwindiling fire.

I wrapped up the meat in raw hide and stuffed it into my rucksack along whith some pignut roots, an apple and my deer blader water bottle. I stepped outside and clicked my toungue. An apaloosa mares head raised from the grass and she trotted over to me. Good girl Aries I crooned and fished out the apple from my bag. Delighted by the treat she snuffled it from my hand and let my slip up onto her back.

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