Chapter II

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"Aah!" Harry woke up screaming and trembling. He had had another vision and seen Voldy and his Death Eaters brutally torture and murder another family. Then he suddenly became aware that his hand was clutching his scar forcefully. When he removed his hand and saw the usual. His hand was splotched with crimson blood. Harry had started having these dreams since the day he arrived at the Dursleys'.

Every night he woke up with his scar bleeding profusely and his throat raw from screaming. He wiped his palm on his T-shirt and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly he heard an expected sound of stomping.

After a few seconds his uncle appeared at his door as usual with a belt in his hands. He braced himself instantly for what was sure to come. His uncle came upto him and yelled," Freak, do you have to do this drama every night? Do you expect me or Pet to come up with warm milk and soft hugs and comfort you and say ' It'll be alright, Harry darling'? Get over it, freak. No one loves you. Not even those people love you. Every year they drop you back at our house like the liability you are. If they truly loved you then wouldn't they have arranged a home for you? No one even asks about your well being. None of your friends send letters through your freaking bird. Not even the godfather you told us about comes for you. Don't mess with me, freak. You are nothing more than scum. I'll show you your place, freak."

With every stinging barb came a stroke of the belt. When his uncle stopped after 30 strokes and left the room, Harry began to assess the damage. He could feel several of ribs protesting when he stretched and his wrist and pelvis ached horribly. Just when he thought it was over, Vernon Dursley came back . In his hand was an object Harry had never seen before. It was shaped oddly like a penis and was very big.

Vernon came upto him and whispered in a menacing, low voice," I'm gonna show you your place, freak. When I'm finished with you, you'll certainly feel like the freeloading, slutty leech you are."Then Vernon strangled Harry with one hand. This had never happened before. Harry screamed and screamed but all it did was give sick pleasure to Vernon.

He touched Harry violently and fucked him mercilessly. He pushed the object into Harry and pummeled him forcefully. Harry had never experienced such pain. He had known that his uncle was capable of killing by seeing his violence but never had he believed that Vernon hated him so much as to actually try to kill him.

After Vernon finished up with him ,Harry felt like moving even a single muscle would be a straight step to suicide. But he knew that he had to escape. If he stayed , then this would continue. He had no desire to move but then too he mustered up all the strength he could and crawled towards the cracked mirror in his room.

He saw that his entire face was bloodied and his legs were caked in dirt and blood. Showing great presence of mind that Harry didn't even know he possessed, Harry first focused on standing. He supported his weight on the wall and slowly limped towards the box which served as his wardrobe.

He pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned himself with the water kept in his room. He found a pair of pants which didn't fall off his hips that had been diminished further by months of being starved.

He struggled to pull up the trousers and dug out a shirt which had long ago been forgotten. He tore it up and and tied it up like a bandage on his wounds. Then he slowly limped down the stairs noiselessly,picked up his wand from the trash can and escaped from the hell hole others knew as his home.

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