"It's Ricky!" He yelled.

"Get him back, now!" She ordered Carlos.

He chased after Ricky and I gathered my things, then headed to my locker to grab my skateboard.

I really just needed to skate and get away from all the drama. There was only one place that could help me do that.


"Yo Sam!" My friend Jake greeted with a wave.

"Hey Jake, what's up?"

I used to come to the skate park every day after school, but, I haven't been here in a while because I've had to babysit my little sister a lot.

Since my dad left a few years ago, my mom has had to work double shifts at the hospital so that she could help us afford to live stably. It's not that we were poor before, but we did struggle with money quite a lot. And because my sister has Epilepsy, mom and dad had to pay for medical bills and all the stuff that comes with it. When my dad left, it got even harder for the three of us. I offered to get a job to help pay for the bills and whatnot but my mom always refused that option. I knew better than to argue.

We manage a lot better now than we did back then, and I'm finally able to get back to doing something else I love. Which is skateboarding.

"Haven't seen you here in ages, where've you been?" Jake asked.

Jake's like my big brother and is one of my best friends outside of school.

"Had to help my mom look after my little sister but she goes to daycare now so I'm free of the babysitting role." I replied.

"Oh, well glad to have you back."

"It's good to be back here. I needed to get away from the drama that's been happening between a few of the cast members in our latest production."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're a theatre dork." He teased.

"I'm a theatre geek thank you very much." I corrected him.

"Sorry, sorry. What kind of drama?"

"If I told you, it'd make you want to rip your hair out."

"Fair enough." He chuckled. "Wanna hit the ramps for a bit?"

"Thought you'd never ask." I grinned.

We took to the ramps and skated for a bit; Jake showing off like always and me doing my usual tricks. I spotted Ricky and Gina talking on the stairs and I don't know what was going on but Ricky walked away angrily, putting his helmet on and took to the ramps. Gina caught my eye and I waved awkwardly to her.

"Sammy?" Ricky said, slowing down as he approached me.

"Hey." I greeted, also coming to a stop.

"What are you doing here?"

I looked down at my board. "Skating. What are you doing here?"

Ricky chuckled. "I meant what are you doing at this park?"

"I used to come here after school everyday but haven't in a while cause of stuff at home. Today seemed like a good day to come here to escape all the drama going on though."

"Yeah..." He said, stifling a laugh.

"Are you really quitting the show?"

"I haven't yet but Nini doesn't want me there, and everyone else is better off without me, so..."

"That's not true. I saw your audition, and in case you forgot about yesterday...I know how talented you are. You'd be an idiot to give up the role."

"But I can't even get the choreography right."

"So? That's why it's called practice."

"You really think I should stay?" He asked.

"If you really want Nini to think you're not just doing it to get her back, then you have to show her." I told him matter-of-factly.

"Yeah...Yeah you're right. Thanks Sammy."

I shrugged. "You're welcome."

I went to head over to Jake but Ricky spoke before I left. "Hey Sam,"

I turned around. "Yeah?"

"How come you didn't audition for the show?"

I sighed, and looked at my feet. "I don't belong on the stage. I belong in the wings."

He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "What? You and I both know that's not true. I heard you yesterday. You've got one of the best voices I've ever heard and–"

"Look, I appreciate the thought Ricky, but you don't need to worry about me." I said, cutting him off abruptly. "I don't like being on the stage, okay? Simple as that. Yesterday was a mistake."


"No, don't worry about it. Just remember what I said about practising and I'm sure Nini will take you back in no time."

Without another word, I skated away from him and over to where Jake was waiting for me with a couple of the other kids I used to skate with.

I may have been a bit harsh towards Ricky, but he just doesn't understand. He doesn't know me and has no right to pry.

Look's like I can't escape drama anywhere.


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