segment 2

17 1 0

*3rd person pov*

meanwhile, all the way across the country,,,,,, the jar jar binx kill squad was chilling inside their base (which happened to be a castle that richard bought for all of them).

"alright everyone, do you get the plan?" gwen asked after done presenting for bb8.

everyone nodded their heads and turned to the droid waiting for him to say something. he just sat there and then rolled away without any beeps or bops.

"hmm... i wonder what his issue is. he's been quiet all day. not very usual for him." andre said concerned. he walked away to his dorm and sat on his bed to take a nap because he was t i r e d.

on the base everyone shared rooms but they were all in the dungeon. (i did say richard bought a castle but i never said HOW good of a castle it was). bb8 had the whole entire upper level to himself so all the meetings and gatherings had to happen in the kitchen. yunho and richard shared a room while andre shared a room with gwen.

yumho side, "anyone wanna go on a fishing trip?" everyone said yes and he was sent to wake andre up, which he did by slapping his fat head.

the four headded out jnto the forest leaving bb8 behind.

after many hours of hiking, they found a fishing spot.

"awlrite laddies, lets gett thes fishin on tha road." richard shouted in his overwhelming scottish accent.

they eventually started getting angry with each other for no reason and decided to leave.

arriving back at their base 7 hours later they noticed the front door was open and that bb8 was nowhere to be found.

yunho stumbled onto finding a note, "GUYS omg look !"

andre came over, being the only one that could speak droid fluently, he snatched the note from yunhos bear hands.

"beep boop hduisoakajaiaoao boo bop bip bop bop haio boopitowop womp yap booo"

"guys this doesnt look so good.." andre said starting to tear up.

"JUST LITERALLY TELL US OH MY GOD" yunho yelled done with andres dramatic ass.

"OKAY👁👁", he started to read, "dear jjbks, i regret to inform you that i have decided to do something not good from ... bb8" he looked at the group.

"okae thahts stupidt"

bb8 had walked away from jar jar binx kill squad,,, but where did he go?

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