Chapter 30~ So Close Yet So Far (Pic Of Alex)

Start from the beginning

A month?! I can't be in here for a month!! I have to save Lily!!

"Riley calm down. They'll find her." Alex said.

I took a deep breath and nodded to myself. He's right. They'll find her. Finn will go to jail and so will Rick and her parents and then we'll be together again. Yeah.

But....if that were true...then why do I feel such a bad feeling in my gut?

"Riley. Think of something else. Try to distract yourself." Alex suggested.

I sighed and looked at my little brother.

"How have you been Alex?"

Lily's POV-

I jumped awake as the sound of continuous banging seeped through my heavy slumber. I looked around the hotel room to find Rick still fast asleep on the other bed and no one else was in the room. My brows furrowed as I realized the cause of my wake was coming from the door. I walked over to it and stood up on my tip toes to look through the peephole. I gasped.

It was the cops!!

I froze and looked again, not believing my eyes.

It is cops!!They found me! This nightmare is finally over!!

A smile broke out on my face as I reached for the lock to unlock the door and set myself free when suddenly a hand gripped my arm. I jumped and turned around just as Finn slapped his hand over my mouth. My eyes widened. No!! I started fighting against Finn's strong arms.

"Anyone in there??"

"Come on open up!!"

I screamed as loud as I could into Finn's hand, hoping they would hear it. They continued knocking on the door. Finn dragged me towards the door to the other room and kicked Rick's foot. He sprang to his feet in a hurry. Finn nodded towards the door.

"It's the cops." He whispered.

Rick walked over to the door slowly, obviously not quite believing what Finn told him. He quickly backed away from the door with wide eyes.

"What are we gonna do?" Rick whispered.

Finn stared at Rick and was silent.

"If you don't open this door at three we're busting in there!!" One of the cops yelled.

That just caused everything to spring into motion.

You know that moment in life when you see everything turn into slow motion? That moment when you know what's going to happen but your brain doesn't register it until after it happens? This was that moment.

Finn laughed quietly at Rick's question.

"We? We are not going to do anything. You on the other hand..."

I watched Rick's eyes go wide.

"No that's not what we agreed on!" Rick argued.

Finn smiled a chilling smile as his arms around me tightened. My eyes widened in fear as Finn backed up so we were standing in the doorway between both rooms. I felt his right arm tighten around me even more, squeezing the air from my lungs. Suddenly Finn's left arm shot out from behind his back and I gasped.

He held a gun fixated right on Rick's chest.

Rick's hands flew up in one swift motion as he started walking back towards the door.

"Think about what you're doing Finn. This isn't what we agreed on." Rick growled.

Finn chuckled.

"Well Rick, plans change."

I watched as Rick's eyes widened. He glanced at me and I saw the plea in his eyes begging me to help him. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

The sound was unexpected; defeaning and unforgettable. Everything happened at once. Finn pulled the trigger just as the door was kicked in. I jumped and screamed. I didn't see where the bullet went. I was dragged into the other room before I saw the damage. At the last second though I saw Rick fall to the floor. Finn pushed me to the ground and slammed the door in between the rooms, locking it. I started backing away from him but he ended up grabbing me by my arm and dragging me towards the door. I opened my mouth, about to scream when I felt something hard push against my temple.

"Speak one word and I'll do it." He whispered.

I started shaking when I heard him cock the gun which was against my head. I shut my mouth as he pulled my hands behind my back and snapped handcuffs on me. He pushed me to the door and looked out the peephole. He smiled in triumph and threw the door open, pushing me into the hallway. My hope died when I saw the hallway was deserted. Finn pushed me in the opposite direction of the room where the cops were tending to Rick's more than likely dead corpse. A tear slid down my cheek as we stepped into the elevator at the end of the hallway. I looked down at my shoes as the tears slid down my face and onto the paneled floor. I could feel Finn's gun pointed into my back now instead of at my head as his right hand held my handcuffs. I looked up as the elevator doors closed, sealing my doom when my eyes focused on something.



I realized it was one of the cops. At the last second, before the doors closed, he turned around and we locked eyes. Then the doors shut, like a door to my coffin in my grave.

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