"I just woke up," I murmured. "Did you just get back?"

"Yeah," he answered and for some reason, he couldn't keep his eyes off of my face. It was like he was memorizing it. "I missed the earliest flight after the meeting so I had to wait until six this evening for the next flight."

I frowned and caressed his jaw, noticing how his light stubble grew out more than the last time I saw him. Kade leaned into my touch, his eyes fluttering before they reopened to watch me again.

"I missed you," Kade whispered. "So much."

My heart stuttered in my chest and I could feel a smile growing on my lips. "I missed you, too."

"I didn't realize how sex-addicted I had become until I had to be a thousand miles away from you," he continued, his face scrunching up. "God, those three days were hell."

I chuckled. "Well, while you were in Chicago, we made front page of Gossips magazine."

I showed him a picture that was off of together, this time kissing. Kade smirked softly and stood up, helping me onto my feet while looking at the picture.

"They got my good side," Kade said, making me laugh. "Let's try to copy that picture, hm?"

One of his hands went to my hips while the other went to the small of my back, pushing our lips together. I sighed with content and ran one of my hands up to his hair, the other one resting on his waist. Kade moaned when I swiped at his lower lip with my tongue, parting them before letting it pass through to touch his.

"Mm... that's what I call a nice greeting," he rumbled out, biting my lip before sucking on it. "What about some 'welcome back' sex to follow?"

I laughed. "No, Kade. We need to sleep."

Kade groaned and unbuttoned his shirt, giving me a perfect view of his toned chest and black, shadowed tattoos. He gave my lips another soft kiss and I suppressed a moan, pulling away when his hands tried grabbing at my hips.

"Kade," I warned. "We need to go to sleep and... a-and..." I moaned when Kade's teeth gently bit at my neck, sucking roughly.

"Alright," Kade muttered, flicking at my skin, "but don't be surprised if you wake up suddenly with my head between your legs because I haven't tasted you in awhile — and I'm really craving something sweet."

"Kade," I moaned when he ran a hand down my body, his hands wrapping around my shorts and tugging. I winced at the stinging that came from it but it turned into a shocked gasp when my shorts ripped off. It wasn't surprising considering they were such thin material.

"Fuck, I can see how wet you are," Kade growled, referring to the dark patch in my panties. "You can't tell me that you don't want me to continue and mean it."

I shook my head, biting my lip. "Take me. Now."

And another few steamy hours later, Kade laid in bed with his arms around me, staring up at the ceiling. I could feel goosebumps across his flesh as I traced his tattoos, kissing his bicep every time it moved when he traced my spine.

"Did Tristan bother you while I was gone?" He muttered, his hand going up to my hair and running through it.

"No," I responded, looking up to read his facial expressions. "Why?"

"I don't know," he answered honestly. "He was calling me and sounded scared, like he didn't want me to know something."

I watched him with a raised eyebrow. "You don't think I'm hiding something from you, do you?"

"No," Kade said, looking down at me. "I'm just curious on what he's so scared to get out, you know? It can't be that serious, can it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and stared at the tattoo on his shoulder. "I don't know. Tristan Black is a man of many secrets so I don't know what else he could possibly be hiding."

I turned onto my opposite side to check the time and Kade kissed my shoulder, then slowly began to trail his lips up my neck. Once I read the time (2:20 in the morning), I turned around, pushing him away with a girlish giggle.

"One more round, baby," he complained, running his hand down my thigh. I whimpered when his fingers brushed over my sensitive flesh, rubbing in small circles.

"My legs are spaghetti noodles," I breathed out, hearing his husky laugh. "Please, don't kiss me. You know that you're gonna get your way if you do."

He bit his lip and pushed a finger into my soaking hole, causing me to let out a moan. My back arched off of the bed when he curled his finger up, pressing his lips to my neck while I clenched my thighs together, making him pull my thighs apart for more space.

"Fuck, you're soaking," he groaned, slowly moving down the bed while kissing my body. "All from my fingers."

I nodded my head, my mouth falling open when he began to caress my inner thigh with his talented tongue.

"Kade," I whined, letting out a pleasures squeal when he added a second finger with his slowly thrusting middle finger. "Oh, Lord..."

Kade's breath fanned over my clit and I could feel how close he was to finally giving me what I wanted when there was a knock at the door, followed by Kylar's voice calling us.

"I swear to fucking God," Kade muttered, standing up. "This better be worth it."

I groaned with him, standing up. He pulled a pair off sweatpants up and I slipped into my silk robe, following Kade through the hall that led to the front door.

"Hi, Kylar," I said just as Kade opened the door. "Did something happen?"

"Kind of, Ms. Giovanni," he replied, leaning in. "I was patrolling around the apartment and a woman tried getting in. When I asked her what she wanted she said that she couldn't be a mother, put a little boy in my arms, and got on a bus."

Kade stared at me in confusion and I returned the stare.

"Did he tell you his name?" Kade asked.

"No, sir," Kylar responded and then moved out of the doorway to reveal the little boy.

"Holy shit," Kade said and my body went still.

The boy's hair was a dark mess on the top of his head and his eyes were a bright blue. His freckles were adorable on his chubby face and he hid behind Kylar's leg.

He looked exactly like Tristan.



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