1. A dark nights escape

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Harry potter was a small raven-haired scrawny boy. His appearance looked almost normal if it wasn't for the lightening scar that stood out prominently on his forehead. His untamed raven hair hid it if he forced it down to cover his head. The clothes that looked far too big hung off his small shoulders loosely. He was looking out into the dark moonlit sky through the bars on his windows admiring the stars and writing down some patterns in a small notebook. The bars had been put on the windows after his whale of an uncle decided that he didn't want any of his 'freaky friends' to send him any letters. Ever since last year Vernon Dursley had had a sort of phobia of letters and anytime, he saw an owl he retreated into the house and shut the door. Hedwig was only allowed in the house as she was caged and wasn't even allowed to hunt.

Harry was pulled of his stargazing thoughts when Hedwig let out a small hoot of displeasure and ruffled her snow-white feathers. "Shh shh I know girl I know. I wish it didn't have to be like this." He said as he stroked her feathers through the bars of the small cage. "You don't deserve this girl. It won't be for much longer well be home soon and you can see all of your friends again."

Harry looked at the clock on the wall exactly 5 o'clock which meant uncle Vernon would be home any minute. As if on cue the car door slammed shut and harry flinched, that could only mean one thing Vernon was mad very mad infact. Harry quickly put Hedwig's cage out of sight. It was better if she didn't see what was to come next. He heard the bellowing footsteps of his tyrant uncle as he came up the stairs.

Harry made a silent dash to his bed and pulled out a newspaper to make it look like he hadn't been doing any schoolwork. He was just in time as Vernon began undoing the many locks on his door. The door flew open and hit the wall with a crash causing harry to flinch.

"You boy" Vernon spat in Harry's face whilst poking an accusing finger right in his chest. "have just lost me the most important job of my career. This could've made me rich I could have retired. But now thanks to you and your freakish Ways" Vernon picked up Harry and threw him to the floor. He instantly began to kick the small frail boy in the chest, stomach and head before picking him up by his hair and using his face as a punching bag. He continued his assault for about 30 minutes before turning around and locking the door leaving the small boy black and blue curled up in a bloody pile on his bedroom floor. But of course, this was nothing new. The Dursleys would go and enjoy their hot 3 course meal whilst harry was left with nothing yet again. He was getting used to the pain of an empty stomach again. Before Hogwarts he could go a full week without feeling the hunger pains. Now after only three days they came back with vengeance.

Harry awoke to the harsh sound of metal against metal in the dead of night. it took his eyes a while to adjust before he saw his best friend and his older brothers in what looked like a flying car. he tried to stand and make it seem like hadn't just had a beating and he was the same happy harry as always. But by the time he had loaded everything into the car he passed out from exhaustion. "umm he doesn't look too good" Ron Weasley informed his brothers worriedly "yeah well we can see that we just need to get him home so that " Fred started "mum can take a look at him and hope she doesn't kill us when we get in" George finished as they navigated through the skies.

Of course, the second they arrived at the burrow Mrs Weasley began to worry over harry and took him upstairs into Rons room. She was rushing in and out muttering to herself. She was that worried that shed even contacted Dumbledore about her concerns for the young boy's safety. It was clear that there had been signs of abuse and neglect she honestly couldn't believe how bad it had gotten "isn't he supposed to do checks on the household" she muttered angrily to no one in particular. Molly Weasley began to take down observations on what she saw upon the young boy's body. She made quick work of fixing him up but when she was almost done, she one of her spells was bounced back causing her to be quite confused. It wasn't until later on that she realised that there had been some sort of magical block placed around him and his magic in order to stop him from reaching his full potential. "this is pretty odd" she whispered quietly to Arthur Weasley who had appeared in the doorway 10 minutes before and helped molly with the last little bits of Harry's healing.

When harry awoke 3 days later he was extremely confused. He didn't remember the car, the arrival at the burrow, Ron or the twins coming to help him. He didn't even remember packing his things. Mrs Weasley knew that when harry woke hed probably be hungry and his throat would most likely be dry, so she had placed some cold water on the night stand next to him along with some biscuits. Harry sat up and looked around the room he was in causing a very worried red-haired boy to turn his way. "you gave us quite a scare there mate" he chuckled before going to grab molly. The second she saw harry sat up in the bed she engulfed him him in a tight hug. "oh, harry sweet sweet harry" she mumbled whilst stroking his hair "who would do such a cruel thing? To a child nevertheless" harry in question just hugged back lightly "I'm fine Mrs Weasley honestly" after the 2 had a small private talk the subject wasn't brought up again and it was time for harry to relax and enjoy being a child in a safe environment.

And that's what they did for the next week harry and the Weasley children had an amazing time laughing and having fun. Doing various muggle and magical activities to keep them entertained being careful of Harry's injuries as not to cause more damage than had what already been done.

One night whilst the family and harry where sat enjoying dinner arthur looked up rather confused "harry my boy what exactly is the function of a rubber duck" harry having to take a moment to think replied after a minute "well mr weasley a rubber duck is what some muggle children and adults have in their bathtubs and there are many different types. Some help to relax after a hard days work, for children it is to give them something to play with whilst they wash and get clean. But some say that the rubber duck is the protector of the tub, it keeps unwanted creatures away as they know if they go near the water the mighty rubber duck will defeat them" Arthur placed his thumb and index finger on his chin "i knew it" he mumbled to himself.  

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