Chapter 1

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Emily's POV(A/N: pic is in slide)

My name is Emily Peterson I am 16 years old. I go to Westwood High School in Westwood, North Carolina, it's a very small town no more than a high school of 100 in my class and a population of a little over 300, and I am a junior at Westwood.

"EMILY WAKE UP!!!!" My mom said to wake me up after my alarm didn't work. I finally was out of bed and walking to the kitchen I was tackled to the ground! Whoever it was stood up and helped me up. "Sorry Em, but you know that that is the only to get you to hurry up. Do you want a ride to school?" said my all-star, 18 year old brother named Josh. "Ugh why can't you just ugh never mind! And yeah sure I need a ride. Thanks" I say I the most annoyed voice I can do. Let’s just he's the school "Mr. Hot and Popular" but really he's a big pain in the you-know-what.

I finally made it down stairs in one piece and to my delicious waffles and syrup! I quickly ate and looked at the T.V. a reporter comes on the screen "Hello my name is Mary Doe. There has been yet another decapitation by the terror group named ISIS. This person was reporter James Singer who was reporting on these terror groups." I had had enough of depressing stuff for today so I turned the T.V. off and cleaned my plate and headed upstairs for a shower and to get dressed.

"CAUSE YOU GOT THAT ONE THING" I sang/screamed while I was in the shower. There was a knock on my bathroom door "Em its 7:50 hurry up we are going to be late!" Josh said "Shoot! Be out in a minute." I replied.

After that refreshing shower was getting dressed but as a girl we never know what to wear. Hmm should I wear my blue skinny jeans with my black with my blue blouse or with my black t-shirt that says "Hello My Name is…?”  (A/N awesome song by Matthew West)??? Hmm I am going to go with ugh I don't know! Wait I will call Mia.

"Hey Mia, I should wear a blue blouse or a black t-shirt that says "Hello My Name Is..."?" I say." Hmmm wear the "Hello My Name Is..." tee its looks really good on you!" Mia replied. "Thanks see ya at school bye!" I say as I hang up and change in to my outfit.

 I step outside to front door when Josh decides it’s funny to "scare-the-living-day-lights-out-of-me" by pressing on his horn. Ugh how I much I hate him this morning! "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU..." "EVEN WHEN YOU’RE CRYING YOUR BEATUIFUL TOO!" I successfully interrupt Josh's rant on that I need to hurry up and etc. As I enter Josh's 2015 Mustang GT350 Rendered, which I must say is one hot car, Josh laughs and says" I should have seen that one coming, come on we are almost late for school!"


Hey y'all! so this is my first book and my first update so PLEASE PRETTTY PPPPPLLLLLEAAAASSSSEEEEEE tell me how you think the story is going and if you have any ideals or if you didnt like what i did the only reason why i am updating today is because I am home sick with the flu YUCK!!!! aslo so so sorrry about not updating after i have exams and etc for this semester i will update ALOT more. this semester is packed with Honors Biology ,English, Honors Math, and PE. thabks for all your support!! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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