"Oh." You nod, a bit embarrassed by the sudden comment. "Thanks." You quickly turn to the waiter to change the subject.

You and Kenny enjoy a casual lunch then part ways for what is most likely going to be the rest of the day. Now that you've had lunch you decide to pay a visit to the Jackson brothers and Cody since you know they are all most likely hanging out at Cody and Brandi's today.

You show up to Cody's and recognize Matt's truck in the driveway. You ring the doorbell casually and wait to see if anyone answers.

"Y/N!" Brandi is the one that opens the door. "Good to see you girl, come in." She steps inside and lets you in the house.

You follow Brandi out back to the guys tossing the football around and listening to music.

"Guys, Y/Ns here!" Brandi yells over to them and makes her way over to the patio furniture.

You wave to the boys and take a seat with Brandi, she happily hands you a drink and settles in.

"So," She takes a sip of her drink. "What brings you over here?" She asks curiously. "Not that I don't love your company." She adds.

"Just got done having lunch with Kenny." You reply and take a sip from your drink. "He's been acting sort of weird lately." You turn fully to Brandi, she's bound to have some answers.

"Weird huh?" Brandi nods her head. "How so?" She asks.

"I don't know?" You shrug. "It's just kind of a feeling you know? Like somethings changed?" You shake your head and take a sip of your drink.

Brandi smiles a bit and takes a sip of her drink, her eyes telling you that she knows something that you don't.

"What did you guys talk about at lunch?" Brandi asks you.

"Just work stuff, a few new video games too." You reply and sip your drink. "He kept complimenting me." You add.

"Complimenting you huh?" Brandi giggles. "Ever think there was a reason he's been complimenting you more lately N/N?" Brandi raises a brow at you.

You sit in silence for a minute and think about it for a second, meanwhile, Brandi pulls out her phone and sends a quick text.

"You don't think he likes me do you?" You turn to Brandi again after thinking about it.

"Oh, I don't know." Brandi laughs again. "Boys!" She calls across the yard to Cody, Matt, and Nick. "Who's does Kenny have a crush on?" She asks them.

"Y/N!" All three men reply in unison.

"Yeah, I think it's safe to say that he likes you." Brandi laughs again and pats you on the back. "You like him to don't you? The two of you get along way too well for you not to." She insists.

"Of course I like Kenny." You nod your head. "I'd be crazy not to. He's sweet and just to easy to talk to." You explain.

The back door opens back up again and Brandi grins. You turn your head to see Kenny walk through the door. You turn back to Brandi.

"You should go tell him." She nods to you.

"You're an evil person, you know that." You shake your head at Brandi and get to your feet.

Kenny sees you hop off the patio and waves as he walks over to you.

"Y/N, I didn't know you were coming over too." He looks genuinely glad that you're here.

"I wasn't planning on it." You shrug. "But I wanted to talk to Brandi about someone" You explain.

"Oh." Kenny's face seems to drop ever so slightly. "Someone, you like?" He asks you.

"Mhm." You nod and decide to see if Kenny takes the hint.

The two of you take a seat at the edge of the raised patio and set your feet in the grass, Matt and Nick both wave to Kenny and Cody says a quick hello before they go back to their game.

"Anyway." You clear your throat. "Brandi was just giving me some advice about this super sweet guy I like. He's a huge dork and a real sweetheart, one of the greatest guys I've ever met if I'm being totally honest." You grin and look to Kenny for a reaction, and he doesn't seem to be getting the hint.

"Yeah?" Kenny nods his head quietly. "He sounds like a great guy, you seem to really like him." He lets out a sort of sigh.

"Oh he's definitely a great guy, but he's got a bad habit of being clueless." You giggle a little bit. "His names Kenny, by the way. In case you wanted to know." You laugh again and wait to see how long it takes Kenny to realize that you've been talking about him this whole time.

You sit and watch Kenny for a moment, you can almost see the wheels turning in his head. After a moment you can swear you see it click for him and he turns his attention back to you.

"Hey!" He shakes his head at you with a smile. "I'm not that clueless." He complains.

"Took you long enough to figure it out, Ken." You giggle and scoot next to him. "Don't worry though, that whole lost puppy look is part of your charm." You ruffle his curly hair with a smile.

"Oh, you'll pay for that Y/N." Kenny grins with you. "Now you've got me at your side forever." He teases.

"You know, that really doesn't sound so bad." You grin.

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