Gandalf the Grey

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It was hard enough leaving my home, but what was even harder was the journey to Lorien. It took me double the time then what my mother suggested to get thereThe first two days was easy, as easy as it could be, only struggling with the fact my mother was gone; but as I continued on I encountered bandits, orcs and the occasional spiders that stumbled infront of me. Killing the spiders was easier compared to when I had to kill something more human. Normally I would sneak around, with my tiny elf feet I could get past the bandit camps and orcs, except for one. 

The moon was full tonight, it had been three days since I left Mirkwood and it has been a struggle to keep pushing forward. Ive had encounters with bandits, orcs, and spiders, most of them I avoided except for the spiders. They apparently can't keep their pinchers off of me. I had no choice but to kill them, and as I hate to say it was easier since they're monsters. I had kept to the main road, and kept trudging south, and hidden behind the trees to avoid being detected. I hadn't stop to rest, afraid if I dont keep going I will never get back up. 
As I was walking on the main road, tired, hungry, partched and broken I faintly heard the sounds of footsteps coming from behind me. Out of fear I turned around and drew my bow from my back, only to find no one was there. I thought I was imagining things and relaxed and put my bow away. 

Only I wasn't imagining things. 

As I began to relax soon a hand was put infront of my mouth and a dagger up against my back. I struggled to get free but the person behind me only drove the dagger farther in my back. 

"Well, well, well." The person said in a low, gravily, and husky voice indicating it was a man.

"A little elf has lost her way, far from Mirkwood aren't you?" He breathed against my neck, sending shivers down my spine. 

I tried to scream but of coursed it was muffled by his hand. 
"You can scream all you want, but no one can hear you. Its just you and me out here, I could let you go if you have enough coin." 

'Oh shit!' I thought. 'I didn't bring any money with me.' 

The man slowly let his hand off my mouth, giving me a chance to speak. 

"I-I dont have any money with me." I said struggling to maintain my composure. 

*Trigger Warning! There is going to be attempt sexual assault, if you want you can skip a head I'll let you know when you can read again* 

"Well maybe you can be of use to me in some OTHER ways." He breathed into my ear. 

He started nibbling on my ear and used his free hand to go up my shirt. I was frozen in fear, crying, not knowing what to do. I lost my mother and my home and now this happening?!?! Why was the gods so merciless to me?!? I had enough of it! My mind was racing trying to figure out the best course of action, my thoughts became clouded, until a familiar voice called out to me. 

"I know you can fight and you have your wits. It will be scary and dangerous but you can do this." My mothers guidence called out to me

My mind became clear, and full of rage. As he was reaching for my pants I stomped on his foot and let out a battle cry. He let go of me and grabbed his foot in pain, while he was distracted I spun around a few feet from him and grabbed my daggers from in my boots. I was outraged, filled with anger and spite, driven me to hurt this man.

"You want me?" I said pointing my blades at him "Then come and claim me!" I said getting ready to fight. 

He chuckled and drew his sword. "I like the feisty ones." He said grinning making me want to puke. 

To Love Thy Enemy (Legolas Greenleaf Love Story) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon