Draco Malfoy shook his head, sadly.

"I'm afraid nothing springs to mind."

 "But there must be somewhere." Hermione persisted. She wasn't going to give up, not no she come so far and made so many sacrifices. " Somewhere isolated that he knew of. Somewhere that no-one goes. Somewhere where he thought they'd be safe, that no-one would find them. Is there anywhere like that?"

Draco hesitated. He made eye contact with his wife, who nodded her approval, wordlessly. He turned back to face Hermione.

"There is one place, that we can think of..."

"So what's the next step? How should we proceed from here?"

Harry smiled privately to himself. He was pleased to see that Hermione's original strength and vitality   had been returned to her.

"It all depends." He turned to Draco and Astoria. "I presume you wish to see your son returned to you with equal speed?"

They both nodded vehemently.

"We're grateful for all of your assistance." Draco informed him, once again speaking on the behalf of Astoria.

"Then the path is simple. Head to Malfoy Manor. I can send some trained Aurors with you, should you wish it, but you are perfectly entitled to proceed by your own means and whatever protection you should want."

"Brilliant." Hermione's eyes were shining with a vivacity that had been lacking ever since the Death Eater's attack on Hogwarts. "Well then what are we waiting for? I think that we should proceed by the means of -"

"But..." Harry paused, wondering how best to proceed with is interruption, but his hesitation only lasted a few brief seconds. "What about Ron?"

Hermione blushed a scarlet any Weasley would have been proud of. Her eyes lost their glowing lustre.

"Yes." She sighed. "Yes, I suppose we should tell him."

"Better get it over with." Harry pushed upon the door that lead form the St. Mungo's lobby up to the wards. "Would you like be to come too? You know, to calm him down if he gets really angry..." He trailed off.

"No. I'll go alone. Except..." Her eyes drifted to the taller of the two wizards. A nervous smile graced her lips. "Will you come?"

"Me? But..." Draco was baffled. But he had no objection. "Yes."

"Int he name of Merlin's Beard, Ron, I was trying to save our daughter. I thought you approve." Hermione's hair was frizzier than ever, and her eyes flashed with anger.

 "By consorting with Death Eaters? Yeah, great idea, sweetheart." Excess sarcasm dripped off Ron's every word.

"Well, what have you done?" Hermione shot back, challengingly. "NOTHING! I don't care what lengths I go to, just so long as we get Rose, our darling daughter, back. And the Malfoys aren't Death Eaters." She added as an afterthought, glancing apologetically at Draco. 

Ron stepped a couple of paces back. He face flooded with colour, but this time it was due to embarrassment, rather than fury.

"I suppose your right, Hermione." His gaze dropped to well-cleaned linoleum floor. "But I'm sorry you feel that way. You and save Rose. Tell her I love, when you get to her. I'll stay here with Hugo. He needs me."

Ron crossed the ward, and sat down purposely on his son's standard issue hospital bed. He stroked the teenage boy's pallid cheek, lovingly.

Hermione seemed lost for words. She stood still for a few moments, staring at her husband, blankly. Then she walked out the door.

Draco remained. He lingered silently at the foot of Hugo's bed, for a while. FInally, Ron decided to speak.

"You can go Malfoy. I know Scorpius is there too."

Draco shrugged.

"I love Scorpius dearly, but he can wait. A couple of minutes won't do anyone any harm. Besides, there are things between us, Ronald. Things that should have be settled long ago. And settling them is my top priority, now." He paused, but Ron said nothing. "We were fools to let things continue as they did. It's high time we put such events into the past. I'll admit it, I made mistakes as an adolescent and young man, grave mistakes, far more than I care to imagine. I'm not going to list them, but I want you to know that not only am I deeply sorry for any way in which I have ever wronged you, but that I regret it, more than can ever be expressed." He held out his hand. 'So. Do you accept my apology?"

Ron hesitated, pondering the offer. Then, with measured consideration, he held out his own arm and pressed his palm against Draco's. "Alright. We're quits."

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