Aisa nodded in understanding causing mia to point to the only remaining members that she hadn't introduced.

"The long nosed man with the slingshot working with tabasco and other things is our crew's one and only Sniper, Usopp. We don't know his last name." Said Mia pausing before turning to the white wolf that was now sniffing Aisa.

"And lastly this is my one of my oldest children, adopted by my husband and myself along with her twin brother, back on the Island we just left a while back. This is Portgas D. Midnight. Her brother Portgas D. Comet is with their father right now, Portgas D. Ace. I'm sure you'll meet them someday if you stick around. Welcome aboard!" Mia welcomed causing Aisa to receive a warm welcome from each and every one of the Straw Hats.

Aisa couldnt help her smile.

"So what's your name?" Asked Mia to her.

Aisa smiled.

"My name is Aisa! It's nice to meet all of you!" Aisa greeted back exactly.

"Excuse me... Mia-san???" Spoke up Nami.

Mia frowned seeing the worry on her friend's face.

"What's wrong?" Spoke Mia.

"The Log Pose... It's pointing straight up at the sky... what do you think we should do about it?" Asked Nami.

"It seems to me our next destination is a sky island... And a giant ship seems to be falling from the sky so we might want to move the ship a bit." Mia said getting up and quickly placing Aisa on her shoulders and Midnight on her back.

Then she got to work.

When they got the ship out of the way of a giant ship that suddenly fell from the sky they anchored their ship as Robin examined the skull that landed on their ship and Mia snuck off with Aisa.

"So... You're from the sky island we're supposed to go to next huh?" Asked Mia to Aisa signaling her with her hands that she wanted to brush and dress her.

Aisa nodded.

"Yes... But I ran away and fled down to your Blue Sea because there are some really bad people over there wanting to kill me just like they killed my parents because I can use something called Mantra since I was a baby." Said Aisa sadly.

"I really want to have a mom and dad...and I can feel that i'll find them here..." Aisa said.

Mia smiled as she finished dressing and brushing Aisa.

"Luffy. Nami... You hear that?" Asked Mia out loud.

Luffy and Nami then approached them and crouched down in front of Aisa hugging her to them.

"Wha... Why...How..." Stuttered Aisa.

"We'll adopt you Aisa... We'd love to be your mom and dad if you'll let us... and the rest of the crew can be your aunts, uncles and cousins!" Nami said gently and warmly.

Aisa teared up.

"Of course! And we'll take down those who tried to kill you once we get to the sky island. And once we're done, you can come back down here with us if that's what you want and you can be our daughter and our ship's scout." Luffy said seriously yet happily.

The girl cried and Mia silently excused herself out to go help the others after picking up several books that talked about sky islands and she found the story book about Noland The Liar.

'He claimed to have been to a city of gold and then it vanished? Isn't there a rumored Knock Up Stream in the GrandLine? That could very well be our ticket up to Sky Island... But that many Extols? It'd be too many extols unless we only send five people out on deck once we approach the entrance... It could work... But just barely and the rest of us would still be illegal entries. I can cover only five of us so that will have to do... Now to tell all of them...' Mia thought to herself as she picked up the three books that helped her find the way to the knock up stream and subsequently Sky Island.

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