"He's my little brother! The one I told you about when we were 15." He answered.

She smiled. "Well, that certainly explains why he reminded me of you so much!" Said Mia happily as they finally caught up to Luffy and Smoker.

"Water Queen! Fire Fist! I get why Water Queen is protecting Straw Hat but why would you Fire Fist."

"Fire Fist? That's your nickname?" Mia questioned holding back laughter.

"Okay... They could've done a better job with that... But I have a huge bounty! That has to count for something!" Ace said as he flushed in embarrassment.

Mia smiled bright and took his heat off with her hand and placed it on her own head.

"Why don't ou show me why you earned the bounty?" She said challenging him.

He smirked and created a fire wall.

"How's that?"

"Devil Fruit Powers huh? Fire looks like... Not bad..." She said with a smirk.

"Like you can do better?" He challenged.

"Want to bet on it?"

"Of course! What're the stakes darlin'?"

Mia smiled mischeviously.

"I win and I get a kiss and this cool hat of yours at the end of our time together in this country." She answered.

He hummed in thought as Smoker stared at them in shock having gotten rid of the fire wall and seen them interacting.

"Okay... and If I win I get a full make out session in private and I get a special present from you to remind me of you once I leave this country. Deal?" He asked.

"Hmm... Deal!" Mia answered.

"Show me what you've got?" Challenged Ace.

Mia then smirked and raised her hand.

Then it glowed blue as she suddenly made four barrels of water on either side of them explode and led the water to soak Smoker weakening him as it was sea water and they smirked and ran after Luffy.

"Okay! You win! But your reward will have to wait until we get to safety, is that okay?" Said Ace.

Mia smiled, "Of course." She answered.

Soon catching up with Luffy, Mia and Ace told him of how they were connected and they easily took out all the baroque works agents that had chased after them for their bounty. Mia easily knocking them out with a blast of water from the ocean. Ace easily knocking them out with hand to hand combat moves, Luffy easily taking them down with a Gum Gum Pistol.

After a couple minutes they continued on their way to the ship with Mia guiding the way so they wouldn't get lost.

Once they found the ship, Mia jumped onto it landing gracefully on the railing and Ace catching up with them landing effortlessly behind Luffy who had been bragging and knocking him upside the head lightly.

"Hey there!" He greeted getting down onto the ship with the help of Mia.

"I believe, you owe me a hat, Fire Boy..." She said with a mischevious grin as he pulled away from kissing her forehead gratefully.

"Ah, right! Almost forgot about that, here you go gorgeous." He said a little flame heart lighting above his head as he lovingly placed his heat on her head.

"Ace! So what brings you all the way to Alabasta?" Asked Nami curiously.

"Oh! I'm just here on some business for a few days and I'm taking the chance to see my little brother and my little shorty while I'm at it... You guys are his crew right?" He said hugging Mia from behind as she smacked him lightly on the head with a watery hand putting out the flame without weakening or harming him.

Water & Flames [One Piece ~ Ace x OC FF]Where stories live. Discover now