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"Don't freak out, but Karlie is coming our way," Conan said looking past his friend's shoulder. Taylor looked up quickly and made eye contact with him. He gave her a sympathetic smile, but offered nothing more.

'Why is she here? Didn't she drop out months  ago? She should be in St. Louis, not here in LA, so why is she here?' She thought to herself. Her mind was swirling with old memories of the girl coming her way.

"Tay?" She heard the taller girl say; it had been so long since they last spoke that Taylor almost forgot what her voice sounded like. Taylor looked at Conan once more before turning around in her seat to see her ex standing before her.

She looked different from the last time they spoke. Her hair was shorter and it was blonde instead of its natural brown color. Her eyes weren't the same bright green eyes she had become so familiar with. She no longer sported her natural smile that radiated sunshine. Her clothes were dark shades that Taylor had never seen her wear. Her skin looked paler than its normal light tan. Karlie simply didn't look like the same person that Taylor had fallen in love with.

"Karlie, what are you doing here?" She said feeling her heart break at the sight of the taller girl. She didn't want to feel bad for her; Karlie broke her heart, but she couldn't help it. She still cared about her. Months after the end of their relationship, she was still in love with the girl standing in front of her.

"I...I'm not really sure to tell you the truth. I came to visit Martha and to pick up a few things that I left in my dorm when I saw you and I'm not really sure why I came over. I'm sorry, I interrupted...whatever this was, I'm just gonna go. Sorry, bye," Karlie said tripping over her words. She turned around and walked away before Taylor had the chance to say anything else, 'God, you're so stupid, Kloss. Why'd you have to go and do that? She probably hates you even more.'

"I'm so confused," Conan said when Taylor turned back around.

"I am too," she said going back to her food. Her mind kept replaying what had just happened moments ago.


"Oh, I heard about this party that Troye is throwing at the frat house tonight and I totally think you should come. Everybody who's somebody is going to be there," Conan said running his hand through his brown locks. Taylor looked up from her phone and looked over at her younger friend.

'What if Karlie's there? He is her brother after all, it wouldn't be that much of a shock if she's there. She doesn't talk to him that much, maybe she doesn't go. Why am I even thinking about Karlie, she broke my heart. But she looked so different today, it was almost as if that sunshine wasn't there anymore. STOP THINKING ABOUT HER'

Taylor was so caught up in her argument with herself that she hadn't given Conan a response yet.

"Sure, why not? I haven't seen Troye in forever and I need a good party, " she said before she could think twice about it.

"Great, I'll text him and let him know that we're coming."


"You should definitely come to this party I heard about. It's at the frat house and apparently everyone who has a big reputation is gonna be there. You should totally check it out," Timothée said looking over at Karlie. The blonde girl had a dazed expression on her face, but he thought nothing of it seeing as she hasn't been her old self since he last saw her.

'What does she think of me? Is she okay? Is she over me? Why did I think it was a good idea to go talk to her? Why am I even thinking about her? Oh right it's because I love her.'

"Karlie?" Timothée said waving a hand in front of her face. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him.

"I'll be there," she said standing up and leaving his dorm room. 'I have to get away from this place, '  she thought to herself. Memories of her and the blonde girl rushed through her head making her feel guilt stab at her heart with every new memory that came to mind.

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