Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to To My Best Friends, Caira, Xeina and Dana, and Louis Tomlinson

Hey guys! I hope you'll read this! (: Even though I know some of you just skip the author note. Anyways, this Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction is based on The Vow. You know that movie right? Ok. I got some of the ideas from there, even thougha I never watched it in my life. Haha, all I know is that the couple get into an accident and boom, the girl forgets everything. So I hope you like this story (:

This whole story is dedicated to four important people in my life. My three best friends, Caira, Xeina and Dana, who are always there when I need them, and who puts a smile on my face everytime. I love you guys to death! <3 And lastly, to Louis Tomlinson, for everything. For being in One Direction, for making me laugh all the time. I think you all feel the same way. I would like to thank Louis, for being Louis. And for making millions of girls feel beautiful.

I KNOW you just skipped it, but oh well. (:

I hope you all like it, please comment, vote and fan! (:



There I was, in a fragile state. I could blow up into tears and cry forever. But I was too shocked and depressed to do that. It was like my life was sucked out of me. My body became limp and I collapsed on the couch, burying my face on the person beside me, crying my eyes out.

"Shh, don't cry now." The familiar voice said in my ear. But that's it, I couldn't stop crying, it was like a water fall. Even if I tried to stop crying, it still falls down.

After a few minutes of crying, the tears wouldn't fall down anymore. My tears were all gone. I wiped the tears of my face and regained myself. Looking up, I see blue sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. Niall looked like a mess, his hair was a mess, his eyes sparkled with sadness, confusion and a hint of anger.

His shirt was wet, meaning my tears wet his shirt. I apologize and he tells me that it's alright. The other lads were around the room, looking all distraught and depressed. The lads weren't themselves anymore.

"This is all my fault." I mumble. The boys look at me, eyes red and puffy. Harry was about to protest, but I cut him, "If I haven't forced him to bring me out, none of this would be happening. If I haven't told him to do the dare on the street, he would be practically fine." I whisper, tears rolling down my sticky face.

"I am the reason why Louis Tomlinson is laying on the bed, looking all broken and lifeless." As I said the words, I realized that I was all true. Liam rushed to my side and I rested my head on his neck. He patted my back, puts his arms around me and caresses my hair.

Zayn was leaning, forward playing with his hands. "It's not your fault, love. Nothing that happened is your fault. It just happened. Don't blame yourself for something you didn't do." I glance at him; he gives me a weak smile.

"I miss him so much." I croak. Liam rubs my back as he hugs me.

It's been only five hours since the accident and I already miss his laugh, his smile, his eyes, and the way he would make you laugh with just a simple joke. I miss his kisses and warm hugs. I...miss him. Closing my eyes, the tears fall down once again until I fall asleep.

"Don't wake her up. She needs her sleep," a muffled voice said after a few minutes.

"You guys go ahead. Im kinda stuck. Can you just bring me a burger and a chicken sandwich for her, please." I knew it was Liam's voice.

Footsteps walked out the door and the room was eerily quiet. I wanted to wake up and be by Louis. But my body didn't want to. It was too exhausted, so I let sleep win over me.

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