A serious note

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Ok. Enough bullshit.

I'm just gonna say it.

My stories flop like crazy nowadays. But they're kind of the only thing I contribute to the fandom.

Maybe it's just that x readers have started to go out of fashion, maybe it's the dwindling numbers in the fandom, maybe I just lost my touch and my stuff sucks. Whatever the reason is, I need to know so I can try and fix it. Maybe I've let this series go on for too long. I've written well over 1000 oneshots for L, maybe it's just lost it's charm. I don't want to stop because
1) L is my baby and I adore him.
2) I like writing
3) considering there's a lack of new x readers in he fandom I want to help keep the ball rolling.

The fact of the matter is, this is a slowly dying fandom. One I never plan to leave. I even had a video on TikTok blow the fuck up when I mentioned it. And so many people asked fo an explanation I legit made a 15 minute long video essay on YouTube deep diving into the fandom and suggesting ways to receive it.

I'm really seeing a decline in numbers across all my fan pages but especially here. Not that numbers matter, I don't care if people hate my stuff. But I make the effort to update almost every day and everything just??? Flops.

What's the point in continuing if no one reads it?

I don't want to stop, these books are seriously the only reason I have a sleep schedule, they're the only thing I contribute to the fandom that gets a little attention. Do I crave the attention? No. I actually don't like too much attention. But putting in all this work and then having your shit flop is just sad.

I expect this in the cosplay zone. Because I dint have access to professional photoshoots, no cosplay group to make videos with etc.

But with fanfic? It's what I put the most effort into and no one even bats an eye anymore. Those of you who do stick around, and are regularly readers, thank you. You guys are amazing and exactly what every fandom needs, people who interact with the creators.

Even my request box numbers have been down. I used to get a small bit solid amount, so I always had something to write. But now I get something once in a blue moon, and have to fill the gaps with filler chapters that I've probably written before. No one reads my AUs because they want the canon, but it's hard to stick to the canon when you've written about it 268292 times before. You start to run out of canon to work with.

So maybe the solution is to starve you all for it.

I don't want to, and I know it sounds mean. But my constant update stream means no one has to wait for a oneshot. But whenever I've gone on breaks, you all have to wait for content and I usually see a spike after I go on a break. So maybe daily updates isn't a good idea anymore.

I know the regulars will be annoyed with that, and I am too honestly. I'm just sick of putting in all this work only for it to flop you know?

To the regulars and those who've given me shoutouts, made fanart of my AUs etc. thank you. You're really doing me and the fandom a favour by being interactive like that.

I'm not sure what I'll do just yet, but just be aware that there may be changes. I'm not quitting or anything, I'll never quit. L's trapped me in his basement hired me to be his bitch. I can't quit even if I wanted to. But it seems I have to change.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now