II: Class Fight

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"I don't know why people are so scared of death," (Y/N) begins as Wanda and she makes their way through the halls. "I agree. It's just another part of life."

"You start in the womb," (Y/N) chuckled softly, heading up the stairs, "you end in the tomb." A quick silence dawns upon them and it's not awkward, it's just comfortable. Finally, realization hits the living Maximoff twin‒her twin brother, Pietro, had passed away, due to a shooting at his job last year‒"Wait a second; where is everybody?" 

"I don't know if it's just because it's cold in here, but I'm getting kind of a creepy chill down my back," (Y/N) shivers. They stop at the top of the next set of stairs, smiling before throwing their heads up to face the ceiling, then having a fit of laughter, "I love it!" A strange presence adds to the environment, a girl about their age phases through the walls and disappears to the other, but by now, (Y/N) and Wanda had runoff. "What even was that?" Wanda crinkles her forehead. "Scary," (Y/N) snorts. 

Sighing softly, "What's the room number again?"

"222." Glancing at the nearby doors, (Y/N) read off, "221." Wanda finished by glancing at the other one, "223." Their gaze together met at the middle of the small hall, the farthest door had read "222" in gold. They weren't ready for the meeting of their teacher, as they were late. 

"Class," The fake-smiling woman up front summoned the attention of her students, "would you like to inform (Y/N) and Wanda of what rule they did not follow today?" Together, they sounded so dead and uncaring, "when the bell rings, you must be in your assigned seat." 

"What are ya, deaf?" She sassed, raising her voice harshly, "sit your asses down!" In unison, they apologize, heading to the two empty desks; one behind Steve Rogers and the other across that, "Sorry Ms. Daphne." The loudspeaker goes off, announcing, "all must stand for the Pledge of Allegiance." 

Even though there was no point in sitting down‒in (Y/N)'s mind‒, she and Wanda rose to their feet once more and faced the front of the room, where the flag had been hung; all but one student didn't stand. "Henry," The teacher growled, "On your feet!" The process of allowing their hearts to sync with the words continued, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic‒"

"I'm being generous with you, boy."

"‒for which it stands. One nation under God‒"

"Last chance to stand and show some respect."

"‒indivisible with liberty and justice for all." Everyone sits after the words are spoken, and Henry catches a few student's attention; "You hear that? Liberty and justice for all?" He finally makes eye contact with the teacher, "That's bullshit." Rearing around her desk, a button is pushed and the doors in the back of the classroom open, ordering each other: "Grab the boy."

"Get this one."

"Get off me!" He cried, kicking his legs around violently, "I didn't do anything!"

"Take him to holding."

"Put him in the back. This is what you get." And with that, the door is slammed shut. Everyone around (Y/N) had been focused on their work right away, but (Y/N) was still tensed up from what had happened, scribbling down the answers to the worksheet in front of her. 

Eventually, the middle of class arrives‒timewise. Steve tapped on (Y/N)'s shoulder, distracting her from her work while he asked for an eraser. Willingly, (Y/N) gave away her own and continued to work, but her heart fluttered as his smile was generous for her borrowing object. When the teacher wasn't looking, Hela displayed her "fat ass", and trouble was cooking. 

Pushing her pencil off the desk, she went right down in front of Steve, easily having him wrapped around her finger tight, but Steve wasn't paying attention to her and went straight back to his worksheet. (Y/N) fell in love with him on the bus‒just like every girl had done‒but sadly, he wasn't in her life properly. Hela smirked proudly at Rogers, but the slam of the teacher's ruler ordered her to sit. 

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