I sighed and pulled out the textbooks I needed for my first couple of classes. "I like helping run the shows. I don't like being on stage."

"I know but, I don't want to see you miss out on a chance to kick butt in front of everyone."

I sighed. "Well, maybe one day but not now."

Out the corner of my eye I saw four of the kids in our year, Nini, Kourtney, Big Red and Ricky Bowen standing around awkwardly by Nini's locker.

It was only a few away from mine, so Paige and I - subtly - eavesdropped their conversation.

"Come on Ricky, you know what you did...or what you didn't do..." Nini said.

There was awkward silence as the two stared at each other. I felt like this conversation was most definitely none of my business, and frankly I didn't really care about their relationship but I knew Paige was always one for liking gossip - or "tea" as she calls it - so I continued to listen, ignoring the morning announcement.

"I don't believe this, you're blowing me off for some theatre punk you met four weeks ago? At a lake?"

"You kinda dumped me!" Nini exclaimed.

"It was a break. It wasn't a breakup..." Ricky defended.

"Paige I think we should go now." I said quietly.

"Yeah, probably a good idea."

I shut my locker and the two of us breezed past the small group quickly and made our way to the auditorium.

"And I'm pleased to announce that this year, seniors will be allowed to wear baseball hats on Friday's."

An uncomfortable silence filled the entire room as Principle Gutierrez spoke. I'd always hated kick off assemblies, but this was by far the most boring one yet.

I let out a yawn and Paige chuckled. "They just get more boring every year."

"Honestly. I could've slept in this morning if I'd known it was gonna be like this." I replied.

"And now for a special introduction. This year East High has a new drama teacher, with an announcement that she swore in writing, would not cause too much money..."

A woman with blonde hair walked up to the podium.

Honestly, not what I expected Miss Jen to look like but cool.

"Please hold your applause..." Miss Jen said, digging something out from the podium. She had a t-shirt cannon and proceeded to cheer "Go Wildcats!" before shooting a shirt at some poor kid.

"My name is Miss Jen, and when I heard that the high school where 'High School Musical'  was shot, had never staged a production of High School Musical the musical...I was shocked as an actress. Inspired as a director, and triggered as a millennial."

Oh my god. I absolutely adored those movies as a child. And Miss Jen wants to do a production? I'm in one hundred percent.

I have devoted my entire high schooling life so far to help out with every single musical, play, anything we've ever done - I've done lighting, sound, costumes, all of it. Well, apart from actually being in the shows. Anyways, I love helping out and this is probably going to be the best production we have done yet.

"Auditions are tomorrow after school. This show could change your lives, and I am saying this as a background dancer from the original movie; third from the left, back row, red headband...and those aren't my real teeth..."

Carlos, another boy in my year, cheerfully walked up to Miss Jen and tried to take the microphone off her.

"Oh, and meet your new student choreographer, Carlos. You know him as captain of the colour guard, I know him as an unpaid rising star!"

The bell rang for first period and I slung my bag over my shoulder, following Paige down the steps and out of the auditorium. I accidentally bumped into someone while walking past and apologised over my shoulder.

"It's fine." The familiar voice of Ricky Bowen replying made me turn my head properly and he gave me a single nod.

I returned the gesture and caught up to Paige in the hallway.


"Another year and the food here still sucks. I don't get it." Paige complained.

"What do you expect? A five course meal?" I replied. "When did that happen?"

Paige looked up from her plate of unwanted nachos and furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

"That..." I nodded my head in the direction of Nini and EJ Caswell looking all lovey-dovey and talking with EJ's friends.

"How did she go from Ricky to EJ?"

"I don't know, but I kinda feel bad for Ricky..." I said, watching as said person stormed out of the cafeteria. "That argument he and Nini were having this morning seemed pretty intense."

"I always thought they were destined to be together forever."

"Obviously not..." I mumbled. "Anyways, it's none of our business who Nini dates or who Ricky doesn't. What I need to focus on is designing the perfect set for the production."

"You're seriously not going to audition?"

"Paige, we've been over this more times than I can count! I'm not ever going to be on that stage unless it's to move props."

"But Sam, this is such a great opportunity for you! Remember when we used to belt out 'Breaking Free' in your bedroom as kids?! That was the first time I ever heard you sing and I knew you were only going to get better. But you won't even try to step out of the shadows."

"Can we please just drop it? I'm going to do what I always do and nothing or no one can change that." I said firmly.

I got up from the table and left the cafeteria without another word.

I wasn't mad at Paige, I know she's only trying to help me. But as I said, I prefer to be out of the spotlight. Sure, I can carry a tune and I write songs but no one except my stuffed animals have heard them. Not even Paige, and she's my best friend. I just get too self-conscious and worry that whatever I do won't be good enough.

I just can't help it.


Hey hey hey it's me back again w another fanfic lol

I love hsmtmts so much & I just had to write a Ricky fic, like it was inevitable tbh. Anywayssss I got some good stuff planned & I can't wait to share it with u hehe

secrets ➪ ricky bowen {1} ✔︎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon